Bodzás, SándorDaniel, Uduoise Osemudiamen2024-06-202024-06-202024-05-15 the course of the educational presentation although how tedious the compilation of documents publications and books seem, I was able to learn more about to perform and render 3d and 2d models with the aid of computer aided software like solid works. And there take said design and work to analyzed through the finite element analysis method in other to truly understand the importance intricates and complexity of material selections. Now I would like to talk about the ideal rim. The ideal rim remodification I would say is the first the backboard. The rim breakaway or breakaway rim was designed with the same ideology of the flexible rim but with the exception of the movement of a joint in the pivot of the connection between the board and rim. The breakaway rim is created to fix two main functions namely to maintain the same rebound characteristics of the rigid rim to ensure consistency of play and the fact fair play is involved. And secondly to absorb the great impact of the weight of players when they hand on the rim or pull sharply on it. In other to perform this role to the maximum we will need to combine the rigid and flexible rim mechanism creating the perfect rim.45enrimAssembly design and finite element analysis of a basketball rimEngineering SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.