Bálint, Péter2020-09-112020-09-112019-01-01Studia Litteraria, Évf. 58 szám 1-2 (2019): Gyerekvilágok , 74–88.0562-2867https://hdl.handle.net/2437/296013The source of tale-knowledge for the illiterate peasant - besides the folkloric tradition – is the heard or read Biblical text (parables, philosophies, acts, stories). The interpretation and the forming of these texts into a tale-narrative depend on both the talent of the storyteller and the needs of the audience. In the study I examine the various modes of this story refiguration through certain tale-narratives.The source of tale-knowledge for the illiterate peasant - besides the folkloric tradition – is the heard or read Biblical text (parables, philosophies, acts, stories). The interpretation and the forming of these texts into a tale-narrative depend on both the talent of the storyteller and the needs of the audience. In the study I examine the various modes of this story refiguration through certain tale-narratives.application/pdfA példázatszerű történetmondás mint lehetséges meseelbeszélési módfolyóiratcikkOpen AccessStudia Litterariahttps://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2019/58/4261Studia Litteraria1-258Stud.litt.2063-1049