Berta, CsabaUyanga, Tumurtogoo2019-05-032019-05-032019-05-03 lakes are small and shallow water bodies and usually limited into a littoral zone due to favorable light conditions.The aim of this study was to investigate the zooplankton community in the Nagy-morotva oxbow lake. This study to describe the diversity and abundance of zooplankton depending on the environmental variables, and a comparison of species composition at the sampling station at the Nagy-morotva oxbow lake. In conclusion, distribution and abundance of zooplankton in oxbow lake were studied. Among two zooplankton groups of Cladocerans were the dominant group, followed by copepods. Aquatic organisms have suitable limits of environmental variables in the water bodies.35enzooplanktonabundancediversityoxbow lakephysical-chemical variablesChanges in abundance and diversity of zooplankton communities in the Nagy-Morotva oxbow lakeChanges in abundance and diversity of zooplankton communities in the Nagy-Morotva oxbow lakeDEENK Témalista::Biológiai tudományok