Ureczky, EszterSzabon, Veronika2014-04-302014-04-302014-03-312014-04-30http://hdl.handle.net/2437/190900In my thesis, I examine Invisible Monsters from a gender perspective in the discourse of the beauty industry, i.e. how the beauty industry can affect gender identities and blur the boundaries between them and whether it is possible to escape from the engulfing regime of the beauty industry. Additionally, I elaborate on the birth of the grotesque bodies as the strategies of the two subjects, Shannon and Brandy, for escaping different cultural confines and expectations.33enGenderGrotesque BodiesThe Representation of the Grotesque Bodies and Transforming Identities in Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible MonstersdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudományip