Fluidity Symbols in Iris Murdoch's The Sea, The Sea

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Based upon these theories, I argue that there are at least three ways to look at fluidity as a symbol in this novel. First, the sea is a materialisation of the Kantian sublime, and the sublime understood by Murdoch. Second, the sea and water are sources of all the other symbols; therefore fluidity is central in the novel’s system of symbols, relating to every other symbolic image. Third, the sea acts as an open space in the novel. Besides the sea, there is a significant number of symbols in The Sea, The Sea that can be classified as closed or open spaces. These categories together represent the protagonist’s mind and his unconscious, and they render a psychoanalytic kind of investigation of his personality possible. The balance of the self, and intersubjectivity are central themes in this type of study. In this paper, I will study fluidity symbols from the above stated three points of view; with an emphasis on the third, psychoanalytic approach.

English literature, 20th century, postmodernism, Iris Murdoch