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  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Érzelemkifejezések háttere és szerepe a szociális robotikában
    (2023-12-28) Korcsok, Beáta; Korondi, Péter
    A szociális robotok térnyerésével az emberekkel folytatott interakciók gördülékenyebbé tétele kulcsfontosságúvá válik. Az emberi kommunikáció fontos aspektusa az érzelmek, mint belső állapotok viselkedésben megjelenő kifejezése, melyek felismerése, és mesterségesen generált, helyzetnek megfelelő érzelemkifejezések mutatása a robotok számára is nagy jelentőséggel bír. Az emberi érzelmek kutatása, definiálása és modellezése a pszichológia, etológia és más kapcsolódó diszciplínák területéről kilépve a robotikával fonódik össze. Jelen cikkünkben az ember-robot interakciós kutatásokban használt elterjedt érzelemfelismerési és -kifejezési módszereket, illetve ezek szakirodalmi hátterét foglaljuk össze.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Preliminary Design of a Climate Controlled Environmental Test and Measurement
    (2023-12-28) Lázár, Bence; Szabolcsi, Róbert; Menyhárt, József
    Climate chambers play an important role in the design and testing process. Several different chambers have been built over the years, specialising in different areas. It means there is a wide choice on the market and as a consequence, parameters necessary for us limit when choosing the ideal test chamber. Our instruments might be subjected to several environmental effects which require a lot of time and effort to be tested. An example is the Mars rover. NASA's Perseverance Mars rover was equipped with 2 pieces of  Li-ion battery packs and the old solar charging was replaced by RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) thus a generator feeds the electricity consumers of the rover. Temperature on the surface of Mars varies from -150 C° to 20 C°. In addition, there are huge storms at regular interval lasting for month sometimes. These storms cause great difficulties because, on the one hand, the main power source on older types was the solar panels, and storms can cover them with Martian dust, limiting or eliminating their power supply. On the other hand, large sandstorms can completely cover the rover, and once the sandstorm is over, the Mars rover has to free itself from its trap. In addition, there were many other factors that engineers had to consider in the design. It is a well-known fact that we are not able to consider all the possible environmental conditions in design, and it is also known that some measurements may be inaccurate, so the prototypes produced have to be tested on the ground. The ground tests must ensure that the operating conditions on Mars are maintained. Special test chambers have been developed for this purpose. [1] The aim of the authors is to design and build a prototype of a climate chamber of their own design. An important component of the chamber is a measurement data acquisition system, which allows the collection of measured data and their preliminary processing.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Psychological Aspects and Opinions about Some Typical Robots and Robots in General
    (2023-12-28) Őrsi, Balázs; Csukonyi, Csilla
    It is a well-known challenge for robot designers, developers and manufacturers that certain personalities and characteristics of people can result in resistance towards or outright refusal of human-robot interactions. With this in mind, we conducted qualitative research to collect information about what people think about some typical robots (Spot, Atlas, Lovot). Fifty-eight participants were interviewed during focus group sessions. Based on responses, we could conclude that the Spot robot was considered ugly and primarily useless, the Atlas was regarded neutrally and in Lovot’s case participants blamed developers of such robots and societies that encouraged this type of robots. Our main contribution is qualitative data about opinions of these robots, which can be crucial feedback information for developers.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Simulation of PMSM Vector Control Using Multisim and LabVIEW
    (2023-12-28) Khaled, Amro Mohamed Hafez Abdelrazek; Szemes, Péter Tamás
    This paper represents the simulation of field-oriented control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. Using Clark-Park transform and three PI controllers for controlling speed, direct-axis current, and quadrant axis current. As maximum torque occurs when the rotor field and stator fields are 90 degrees from each other. The goal is to bring the stator field always orthogonal to the rotor field. The simulation is performed using Multisim and LabVIEW software
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Bond Graph Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor
    (2022-12-31) Babangida, Aminu; Husi, Géza; Szemes, Péter
    The high-performance feature of the Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor (PMLSM) makes it a reliable and valuable motor for use in the automotive industry, especially for electric vehicle (EVs) applications. This research proposes a bond graph approach in modeling the PMLSM as a multi-domain dynamical system. However, A time-based simulation was performed using 20-sim software to simulate the dynamical behavior of the motor. An equivalent model of the motor was first obtained and then modeled and simulated using 20-sim software. The model of the PMLSM drive system was modeled separately and incorporated with PMLSM Motor equivalent model to form a global model. Moreover, the motor drive system response was studied based on the sensor resolutions and the inverter switching frequency. The block diagram and the transfer function methods validated the bond graph model obtained. Two classical PIs such as continuous and discrete were implemented on the motor response to control the velocity of the motor.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Aero Graphene in Modern Aircraft & UAV
    (2022-12-31) Abdullah, Masuk; Husi, Géza
    The paper focuses on aero graphene and carbon nanotube (CNT) aerogel which will use in aircraft such as battery, engine, pitot probe, wings, fuselage, plane front glass which will also protect the aircraft from rain and wind because of the buoyant force. There are several ways to make aero graphene, but the most common approach includes reducing a precursor graphene oxide solution to make a graphene hydrogel. Through freeze-drying, any solvent is removed from the pores and replaced with air. A new method for producing aero graphene has emerged: 3-D printing. This is a significant scientific achievement. It creates a resin by diffusing graphene in a gel. The graphene resin can be cured into a solid and then dried in a furnace using UV LED light. Aero-graphene coating into the fuselage, wings and front glasses of the cockpit will give a great impact on the next-generation aircraft. Making an aircraft with aero-graphene will give the aircraft a strong and light skeleton.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Practical Application of the TTM, Predictive Maintenance Module (PdM)
    (2022-12-31) Mizgan, Horia; Ganea, Macedo
    The purpose of the paper is to present the connetion between the Total Traceability Management (TTM) software and the technical solutions for predictive maintenance. As a key function of the TTM, the predictive maintenance module is based on conditioning monitoring systems. Sensors for measurement of temperature, color, vibration, force, chemical composition, ultrasound waves, light, dimensional, are developing on the global market as part of the 4th industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. The TTM is combining the factory floor technologies with the informatics systems as ERP, customer portals, and MES, through a specific algorithm and based on PLC and sensorial hardware. The TTM is becoming a mandatory requirement for automotive industry as stated in the new norms of AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group), VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry), and JAMA Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. The approach of this paper is a theoretical presentation of the practical experiments presenting the most modern solution in terms of software, sensorial installations, monitored equipment and the realized outputs. The TTM concept are not yet fully mature, various solutions being deployed on the market with specificities for diverse industries.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Csúszómód szabályozási algoritmusok robusztusságának összehasonlítása egy internetes szervohajtás kapcsán
    (2022-12-31) Balázs, Szilárd; Reuter, Richárd; Bodor, Ferenc; Fink, Nándor; Korondi, Peter
    A cikk célja kettős. Egyrészt ismerteti, hogy miként lehet bevezetni a mechatronika oktatásba a csúszómód-szabályozás elméletét, másrészt egy egyszerű internetes szervohajtás kapcsán bemutatja, hogy a csúszómód-szabályozók egyik legfontosabb tulajdonságának, nevezetesen a robusztusságnak milyen korlátai lehetnek egy gyakorlati alkalmazásban. A klasszikus csúszómód-szabályozás esetén a szabályozás kezdetén általában jelentkezik egy ún. elérési fázis, amikor még nem alakul ki a csúszómód, így ebben a fázisban nem tapasztalható a robusztusság. A cikk egyik legfontosabb újdonsága, hogy módszereket vezet be az elérési fázis hatásának visszaszorítására és a bemutatott módszereket kísérletileg összehasonlítja a robusztusság szempontjából.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    The Trivial Servomotor and Servo Control System Expressions
    (Debreceni Egyetem) Szász, Csaba
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Benefits of Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling and Simulation with LabView
    (2021-12-30) Szász, Csaba
    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) as part of the Industry 4.0 strategy, represents one of the most challenging research topic for engineers. It’s well known that CPSs integrate at highest level digital technology (computation, control and networking) into physical objects. However, by incorporating various heterogeneous subsystems with different energy levels and functionalities, both analogue and digital signals management, as well as a large scale of communication and information technologies, their modeling and simulation becomes a difficult engineering task. In the past years a huge number of research papers has been dedicated to identify and develop modeling techniques and simulation toolkits being able to handle CPSs complexity. Following these trends, this paper is focused to research and evidence issues linked with the LabView graphically oriented programming technology utilization for CPSs modelling and simulation purposes. Both advantages and shortcomings of this very special technology are studied in order to design and implement a viable software framework being able to model and simulate various CPS structures. As a concrete example, a specific CPS configuration consist of six computer-based mechatronic systems that constitute a laboratory-prototype manufacturing plant has been chosen for LabView-based modeling and simulation. Various virtual instrument-type models of this setup has been conceived and proposed for real-time simulation. It has been concluded then that the application of LabView technology lead to interesting and useful results. The paper specially highlights the benefits and versatility of LabView utilization for complex CPSs modeling and simulation purposes.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Electric Vehicle Modeling and Simulation of Volkswagen Crafter with 2.0 TDI CR Diesel Engine
    (2021-12-30) Babangida, Aminu; Szemes, Péter Tamás
    The Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) used by conventional vehicles is one of the major causes of environmental global warming and air pollutions. However, the emission of toxic gases is harmful to the living. Electric propulsion has been developed in modern electric vehicles to replace the ICE. The research is aimed at using both Simulink and SIMSCAPE toolboxes in a MATLAB to model the vehicle. This research proposes a Volkswagen (VW) crafter with a 2.0 diesel TDI CR engine, manufactured in 2020. An electric power train, a rear-wheel driven, based on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) was designed to replace the front-wheel driven, diesel engine of the VW conventional vehicle. In this research, a Nissan leaf battery of a nominal voltage of 360 V, 24 kWh capacity was modeled to serve as the energy source of the overall system. A New European Drive Cycle (NEDC) was used in this research. Another test input such as a ramp was also used to test the vehicle under different road conditions. However, a Proportional Integral (PI) controller was developed to control both the speed of the vehicle and that of the synchronous motor. Different drive cycles were used to test the vehicle. The vehicle demonstrated good tracking capability with each type of test. In addition, this research found out that there is approximately about 19% more benefit in terms of fuel economy of electric vehicles than the conventional vehicles.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    The Trivial Servomotor and Servo Control System Expressions
    (2021-12-30) Szász, Csaba
    In electrical engineering the technical terms “servomotor” and “servo control system” are used since long decades ago. They are generally accepted and wide-range used denominations worldwide in scientific papers, books, advertisements and other publications. In other words, the above two terms become somewhat self-understanding incontestable parts of our technical language. However, this paper emphasizes the idea to discuss the exact and real meaning of these two terms. This because often it happens that in scientific publications there is no made clear difference between the terms “motor” or “servomotor”, respectively “control system” or “servo control system” and that may be a real source of misunderstandings or confusions. For this reason, in first step a thorough overview of the available international scientific literature is presented in the paper in order to evidence the context and conditions in that are used the discussed scientific expressions. Then a careful analysis from technical point of view is unfolded to bring arguments to strengthen the endeavor that a clear difference should be made between the terms “motor” and “servomotor”, respectively “control system” and “servo control system” in demanding technical discussions, as well as in scientific publications. Not at least, there is proposed an original definition of the two discussed terms, reflecting a point of view that may contribute to better understanding and utilization in scientific debates and publications.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
    (2021-12-30) Geresi, Zalan Tamas; Adila Afghan, Syeda; Szemes, Péter Tamás
    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Analysis of A Tilting Table with Parallel Kinematics
    (2021-12-30) Tüske, István; Hegedűs, György
    This paper presents a workpiece moving unit with parallel kinematics, where its kinematic model is described. Based on the Chebyshev-Grübler-Kutzbach mobility equation the mobility properties of the mechanism are examined. Using the modified Chebyshev-Grübler-Kutzbach criterion the number of degrees of freedom of the workpiece tilting table is determined, after this the screw theory will be presented. As the Chebyshev-Grübler-Kutzbach criterion does not take into account the geometrical characteristics of the examined structure, using the screw theory the workpiece tilting unit will be reanalysed, to take geometrical characteristics into account in determining the degrees of freedom of the structure. Finally, the results of the two theories will be compared in the study of the given kinematic model.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Determination of the Calibration Equation for FBG Temperature Sensors
    (2021-12-30) Moldovan, Ovidiu Gheorghe; Moldovan, Alin Octavian; Tarca, Radu Catalin; Craciun, Dan
    This paper presents a brief introduction to FBG sensor technology and its applications. Then the procedure for determining the sensor calibration equations is presented. These equations are determined for each individual sensor and are necessary to perform the trans-oceanographic measurement of the FBG sensor's wavelength variation in the measured parameter.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
    (Debreceni Egyetem) Geresi, Zalan Tamas; Adila Afghan, Syeda; Szemes, Péter Tamás
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Analysis of A Tilting Table with Parallel Kinematics
    (Debreceni Egyetem) Tüske, István; Hegedűs, György
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Ambilight alternatív megvilágítási technika Arduino által vezérelve & screen capturing alkalmazásfejlesztés DirectX API felhasználásával
    (2018-08-04) Tallódi, László; Erdei, Timotei István
    2004-ben, Philips által kifejlesztett Ambilight televíziók megjelenése nem hozott átütő sikert. 2010-ig mindösszesen négymillió ilyen tévét tudtak értékesíteni. A 3D technológiához hasonlóan az Ambilight szerű megvilágítási technológiák is igen megosztóaknak bizonyultak [1]. Projektemben egy Ambilight szerű, saját megvilágítási technika került megvalósításra, amihez az inspirációt az Ambilight technológia adta. A cél, hogy asztali számítógépes rendszereken is könnyen alkalmazható legyen és stabil-megbízható működést lehessen vele elérni, aminek fő platformja Windows operációs rendszer. A projekt megvalósítása során megismerésre került a DirectX API által biztosított, úgynevezett „screen capturing” technológia, valamint az Arduino és intelligens, LED-enként vezérelhető LED-szalag programozási ismerete is.