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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Eperjes - Az evangélikus jogakadémia 1918/19-es tanéve és Miskolcra költözése(2019-09-14) Durovics, AlexPrešov – Moving of the Lutheran Law School to Miskolc in the academic year 1918/19. The Law School in Prešov was (re)established in 1862 and became a very important educational centre for Upper Hungarian families. During the WW I the education was frequently disturbed by garrisoned military troops, and the substitution of fighting professors was a huge challenge for the school. Before the treaty of Trianon there were plans to move the school to Miskolc, but after the Czechoslovakian occupation of Prešov (December 1918) and the forbidding of the education in the Law School, the school moved in March 2019 to Miskolc and started the education in the fall of 1919.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető IRATOK AZ EPERJESI EVANGÉLIKUS JOGAKADÉMIA VÁLSÁGOS TANÉVÉRŐL 1918-1919(2023-11-06) Durovics, AlexThe famous and historic College of Eperjes during the First World War included a high school, theology, a law academy and a teacher training-school. For an institution that suffered the hardships of the First World War, the collapse of the Kingdom of Hungary was also a coup de grace . After a series of hardships, the representatives of the new power no longer welcomed this ancient institution of the city. I would like to present now a brief selection of archival sources from this sad period.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Iratok az eperjesi evangélikus jogakadémia válságos tanévéről 1918-1919(2023) Durovics, AlexTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A kassai felsőoktatás intézményeinek hallgatói 1776-1852(2019-03-18) Durovics, AlexA kassai felsőoktatás intézményeinek hallgatói 1776-1852 - recenzióTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető SZÖGI LÁSZLÓ: VAJDASÁGI DIÁKOK A MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG EGYETEMEIN ÉS FŐISKOLÁIN 1736-1850.(2020-12-28) Durovics, AlexBook review by Alex Durovics about the book of László Szögi "Students of Vojvodina at the Hungarian Royal Universities and Colleges 1736-1850"