Szerző szerinti böngészés "Elsissi, Khaled Akram Ahmed Lotfi"
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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Health Records Management System for ClinicsElsissi, Khaled Akram Ahmed Lotfi; Adamkó, Attila Tamás; DE--Informatikai KarThe thesis implements an EHR system for small- and medium-sized clinics that integrate technologies such as Java Spring Boot on backend services, React on frontend development, and PostgreSQL for data storage to provide a scalable and secure healthcare solution. Emphasis will be placed on security by having data encryption and role-based access control, hence assuring that the system complies with the GDPR and HIPAA regulations in terms of maintaining patient information. The modular design provided allows for future enhancements. It consists of valuable practical knowledge in web application development and compliance with healthcare IT systems. Generally, it forms a very firm basis for enhancing efficiency in the management of patient data and healthcare services.