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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A combination of strongly associated prothrombotic single nucleotide polymorphisms could efficiently predict venous thrombosis risk(2023) Natae, Shewaye; Merzah, Mohammed; Sándor, János; Ádány, Róza; Bereczky, Zsuzsanna; Fiatal, SzilviaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető A Transcriptomic Analysis of Smoking-Induced Gene Expression Alterations in Coronary Artery Disease Patients(2023) Merzah, Mohammed; Póliska, Szilárd; Balogh, László; Sándor, János; Szász, István; Natae, Shewaye; Fiatal, SzilviaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Age and Origin of the Founder Antithrombin Budapest 3 (p.Leu131Phe) Mutation; Its High Prevalence in the Roma Population and Its Association With Cardiovascular Diseases(2021) Bereczky, Zsuzsanna; Gindele, Réka; Fiatal, Szilvia; Speker, Marianna; Miklós, Tünde; Balogh, László; Mezei, Zoltán András; Szabó, Zsuzsa; Ádány, RózaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Applicability of Obesity-Related SNPs and their Effect Size Measures Defined on Populations with European Ancestry for Genetic Risk Estimation among Roma(2020) Llanaj, Erand; Pikó, Péter; Nagy, Károly; Rácz, Gábor; Sándor, János; Kósa, Zsigmond; Fiatal, Szilvia; Ádány, RózaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Case study: Improvement of hand functions in cerebral palsy(2014-05-27T12:03:36Z) Hamma, Hindatu Sule; Bodea, Cornel; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Fiatal, Szilvia; Szabó, Gabriella; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar1. Abstract In many cases, hand function is one of the most debilitating impairment affecting children with cerebral palsy. Often, sensory deficits, abnormal muscle tone, impairment of the gross and fine motor functions as well as coordination deficits can be seen, making even the simplest movements very difficult. Occupational therapy focuses on the developing skills that are used for daily living. The aim of this study was to show if there is any additional effect of the occupational therapy if it is combined with physical therapy on improving the hand function in a child with cerebral palsy. It was supposed that in mild cases of cerebral palsy physiotherapy and occupational training can improve the hand functions and functional movements, facilitating the self-care and the daily life activities. One 7-year old patient with spastic hemiplegia was observed and treated for fourteen weeks by using the tools of the occupational therapy. Patient had asymmetrical body posture. The right hand was in mild flexion from elbow and the right upper limb was weaker in general. Patient used orthesis for the hand (AHB) preventing the spasticity and helping the patient to be able to use the hands. Several tasks designed to improve the hand functional movements were processed and the time required for execution was measured several times during the intervention period. To estimate the trend in the improvement, sigmoid curve was fitted to data. The results showed remarkable improvement in the skills require for the coordination of movements. On the basis of characteristics of the fitted curves the tests were divided into 3 categories from the easiest to the hardest according to the time necessary for the patient to finish them. The time to complete the easier tasks reduced almost by 20%, the intermediate ones by 15-10%, while the hardest ones by 5-10% only. In conclusion, the results of this study show some improvement in hand function and may help the children with spastic hemiplegia. It has to be taken into consideration that this study was a case study with only one patient. These tests may result in different outcome in other patients with different types of CP. The severity of the disease may also influence the success of the intervention. The duration and number of repetition may be also determining factors. There is a need for further investigation with more patients and various types of CP for a more reliable result.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Characterization of the Hungarian Reference DNA Biobank.Fiatal, Szilvia; Ádány, Róza; Egészségtudományok doktori iskola; DE--OEC--Népegészségügyi Kar -- Megelőző Orvostani Intézet; DE--ATC--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar --Translation of results of genetic studies into meaningful actions in order to improve health and prevent diseases depends on scientific information from medical and public health studies. Most of the genetic epidemiology studies have compared genotypes of patients in a clinical case series with those of a non-diseased sample of control subjects, so they provide little basis - if any - for risk estimation at population level. In order to characterize the role of disease-specific susceptibility gene variants in the Hungarian population, it is important to know the prevalence of risk alleles in the general population, i.e. genetic epidemiological studies require population-based DNA biobank collected according to well-defined selection criteria. Recently, based on the infrastructure of General Practitioners’ Morbidity Sentinel Stations Program many epidemiological studies have been performed and in the framework of these studies the Reference DNA Biobank representative for the Hungarian population by age, gender and geographical distribution could be developed. The Hungarian Reference DNA Biobank – presently consists of 4267 samples – has provided population control samples for several national as well as international genetic epidemiological studies. In the Hungarian population recently a cross sectional study was performed based on GPMSSP to define the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the Hungarian adult population (20-69 years) as well as to estimate the frequency of ACE I/D and AGT M235T gene polymorphisms and define whether any association exists between metabolic syndrome and these gene polymorphisms in Hungarians. MS was defined according to the latest diagnostic criteria proposed by the International Diabetes Federation. The study population (n = 1762) representing the age and sex distribution of the general Hungarian population were recruited from the GPMSSP. The overall allele frequencies in the representative sample were 0.51 and 0.49 for AGT allele M235 and allele 235T, 0.47 and 0.53 for ACE allele I and allele D, respectively, similar to those published in the literature for Caucasians. The frequency of DD genotype (31.36% vs. 25.42%, p = 0.006) and the frequency of D allele (0.56 vs. 0.51, p = 0.006) were significantly higher in the group of patients with metabolic syndrome than in the group free from the syndrome. No relationship was found with any of the separate metabolic components and ACE genotypes, but in case of patients in whom central obesity was combined with elevated TG and low HDL-cholesterol level significant association was shown (p = 0.024 and p = 0.022), which suggests that ACE I/D polymorphism is likely to be involved in lipid metabolism. A genetikai vizsgálatok eredményeinek felhasználása a lakosság egészségének javítása és betegségek prevenciója céljából nagymértékben függ a medikális és népegészségügyi diszciplínák tudományos eredményeitől. Miután egy betegségre hajlamosító gén azonosításra került megfelelően kivitelezett epidemiológiai vizsgálatok szükségesek azért, hogy az adott génvariáns populációs hatása kvantifikálható legyen valamint, hogy lehetővé váljon az adott génvariáns hatását potenciálisan módosító környezeti kockázati tényező(k) azonosítása illetve azok hatásának mérése. A genetikai epidemiológiai vizsgálatokban, a legtöbb esetben az esetcsoportok az adott betegségben nem szenvedő kontroll csoportok jellemző adataival kerülnek összehasonlításra, mely elemzés a populációs járulékos kockázat becslésére nem alkalmas. Ahhoz, hogy becsülni lehessen egy betegségre hajlamosító gén jelentőségét ismerni kell a kockázati allél prevalenciáját a magyar lakosság körében, amelyhez meghatározott kritériumok alapján kialakított, a magyar lakosságra reprezentatív DNS biobankra van szükség. A közelmúltban, a HMAP infrastruktúrájára építve számos epidemiológiai vizsgálat kivitelezésére került sor, melyek keretében lehetővé vált a magyar lakosságra kor, nem és geográfiai eloszlás szempontjából reprezentatív Magyar Referencia DNS Biobank kialakítása. A biobank, mely jelenleg 4267 DNS mintát tartalmaz, számos hazai és nemzetközi vizsgálat számára bocsátott rendelkezésre populációs kontroll mintacsoportot. A HMAP-ra alapozva nemrégiben egy keresztmetszeti vizsgálat végrehajtására is sor került a magyar felnőtt (20-69 év) lakosság körében, melynek célja a metabolikus szindróma prevalenciájának, az ACE I/D és AGT M235T génpolimorfizmusok gyakoriságának becslése volt, valamint annak tisztázása, hogy van e bármilyen kapcsolat a metabolikus szindróma és a fenti polimorfizmusok között. A metabolikus szindróma az IDF által javasolt diagnosztikus kritérium rendszernek megfelelően került definiálásra. A keresztmetszeti vizsgálat kohorsza (n = 1762), mely a HMAP populációból került kiválasztásra jól reprezentálja a magyar lakosság kor- és nem-szerinti eloszlását. Az allélfrekvencia a teljes vizsgálati populációban 0,51 és 0,49 volt az AGT M235 és 235T, illetve 0,47 és 0,53 volt az ACE I és D allélok esetén. Ezen értékek hasonlóak a kaukázusi népcsoport szakirodalomban is fellelhető adataihoz. A D allél és a DD genotípus szignifikánsan gyakrabban fordul elő a metabolikus szindrómában szenvedő csoportban, mint a metabolikus szindrómától mentes csoportban (0,56 vs 0,51, p = 0,006, illetve 31,36% vs. 25,42%, p = 0,006). Az AGT M235T polimorfizmus genotípus megoszlása a vizsgálati csoportokban a kontrollhoz viszonyítva nem mutatott eltérést. Azon betegek körében, akik esetében a centrális típusú elhízás emelkedett triglicerid és csökkent HDL koleszterol szinttel kombinálva fordult elő az ACE genotípussal szignifikáns összefüggés volt detektálható (p = 0.024 and p = 0.022), mely alapján feltételezhető, hogy az ACE I/D génpolimorfizmus involvált lehet a lipid metabolizmusban is.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Comparison of Genetic Susceptibility to Coronary Heart Disease in the Hungarian Populations: Risk Prediction Models for Coronary Heart Disease(2023) Nasr, Nayla Mohamed Gomaa; Soltész, Beáta; Sándor, János; Ádány, Róza; Fiatal, SzilviaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Data to genetic risk assessment on high-density cholesterol level associated polymorphisms in Hungarian general and Roma populations(2017) Pikó, Péter; Fiatal, Szilvia; Kósa, Zsigmond; Sándor, János; Ádány, RózaTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Debreceni középiskolások szórakozási és alkoholfogyasztási szokásaiTóth, Renáta Anna; Fiatal, Szilvia; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar::Megelőző Orvostani Intézet::Biostatisztikai és Epidemológiai Nem Önálló Tanszék; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Varga, Orsolya; Fekete, ZitaA dolgozat két debreceni középiskola típust hasonlít össze, az ott tanuló Z generáció szórakozási és alkoholfogyasztási szokásai alapján. Egy rövid generációs áttekintés után két gimnázium és egy szakközépiskola vizsgálatát mutatja be a szakdolgozat. Felvetésem az volt, hogy egy gimnáziumi tanuló vagy éppen egy szakközépiskolába járó teljesen más szokásokkal rendelkezik, ezzel a két dologgal kapcsolatban. 1531 főből 201 tanuló válaszait vizsgáltam, gimnáziumi osztályokba járó diákok közül 151 fő töltötte ki és a szakközépiskolákból 49 fő a küldte be válaszait ezzel a témával kapcsoltban. A két csoport megadott válaszai összehasonlítása után nem találtam egy esetben sem szignifikáns különbséget, amivel bizonyíthatnám, hogy befolyásoló tényező lenne a középiskola típusa ebben a 15-18 éves korosztályban.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Determining Susceptibility to Smoking among Hungarians with a Special Focus on the Roma Population and Gene Expression Analysis in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: An Integrated InvestigationMerzah, Mohammed; Fiatal, Szilvia; Egészségtudományok Doktori Iskola; Egészségtudományi KarThis thesis investigates the genetic characteristics and determinants linked to smoking behaviours and explores the influence of smoking on gene expression in CAD patients. Studying these health-related behaviours can improve the well-being of the Roma minority population. Additionally, the impact of smoking on the blood transcriptome in Hungarian CAD patients remains understudied. These findings would be valuable in strengthening existing epidemiological evidence, identifying relevant determinants, and informing targeted interventions. This thesis was based on two observational studies. The first was a comprehensive health survey with 814 participants comprising 412 HG and 402 HR. The study compared risk allele frequencies using GRS and wGRS based on data of ten SNPs. HR individuals exhibited significantly higher smoking frequency (33% higher) and tended to start smoking at a younger age (standardized β = -0.23, p <0.001). However, despite the high prevalence of smoking behaviours and nicotine dependence among HR individuals, the study found no significant genetic influence, as median GRS values did not differ significantly, although wGRS was slightly higher among Roma individuals (5.2 vs 4.9; p = 0.02). Additionally, an inverse relationship between SES and smoking behaviours was observed, with smokers showing lower SES (βHR = -0.039, p = 0.023; βHG = -0.010, p = 0.049). The second analysis was based on 61 CAD patients with a median age of 67 years, and only 44 subjects were included for further analyses. Between SM and NSM, 120 DEGs (15 upregulated and 105 downregulated) were identified with a fold change (FC) ≥1.5 and a p-value <0.05. GO analyses revealed that the upregulated genes were related to immune response pathways (FDR≤0.03). In contrast, downregulated genes exhibited significant annotations with pathways involving oxygen and haem binding or activity (FDR≤0.03). Our first analysis provides evidence of higher smoking frequency and early initiation among HR individuals, but these behaviours are not genetically influenced. The inverse relationship between SES and smoking behaviours highlights the importance of considering socioeconomic factors when studying and addressing smoking habits. On the other hand, the second study offers valuable insights into the potential effects of smoking on gene expression in whole blood and their connection to smoking-related CAD. The previously unexplored overexpression of RCAN3, TRAV4, and JCHAIN genes indicates a possible involvement in CAD among individuals who smoke.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Dietary habits and nutritional status among adolescents in AlbaniaMuhollari, Teuta; Bárdos, Helga; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Sárváry, Attila; Fiatal, Szilvia; Debreceni Egyetem::Egészségügyi Kar; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi KarAdolescence is a critical life period for changes in dietary habits and nutritional status, which may have long-term consequences and affect risk of noncommunicable diseases and health status later in life. This study attempted to examine dietary habits and nutritional status among adolescents aged 13-19 years old in Albania. For this aim a cross-sectional survey was conducted in a sample of 11,206 adolescents, 13-19 years old in 12 counties of Albania. Using a structured self-administered questionnaire, data on socio-demographic characteristics, dietary habits and self-reported anthropometric data were collected between 2015-2016. Dietary habits of adolescents in Albania are strongly related to study level and perceived body weight. Strong differences exist between dietary habits and nutritional status among adolescents with regard to study level and sex. Although findings of this study should be interpreted with caution, sufficient elements warrant careful surveillance and more complex research of dietary habits and nutritional status of adolescents in Albania.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Distinct penetrance of obesity associated susceptibility alleles in the Hungarian general and Roma populations(2017) Nagy, Károly; Fiatal, Szilvia; Sándor, János; Ádány, RózaTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Factor XIII B Subunit Polymorphisms and the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease(2015) Mezei, Zoltán András; Bereczky, Zsuzsanna; Katona, Éva; Gindele, Réka; Balogh, Emília; Fiatal, Szilvia; Balogh, László; Czuriga, István; Ádány, Róza; Édes, István; Muszbek, LászlóTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Finanszírozási nehézségek a szakellátásban(2008-06-04T13:00:31Z) Fiatal, Szilvia; Adorján, Erzsébet; DE--TEK--Állam- és Jogtudományi KarA HBCS-rendszer bevezetése jelentős hatékonyság-növekedést eredményezett Magyarországon az elmúlt tíz évben. Az elmúlt 4-5 évben elhanyagolták a HBCs rendszer karbantartását, az ellenőrzés pedig kezdettől fogva nem működött hatékonyan. Nem épült ki a minőség-ellenőrzés, minőségbiztosítás sem, pedig a költségekkel való takarékoskodás minőségromlással is párosulhat. Végül két évvel ezelőtt bevezették a rendszer logikájával ellentétes teljesítményvolumen-korlátozást. A felsorolt okok miatti diszfunkciók csökkentik a HBCS technika hatékonyságát. A legfontosabb diszfunkciók indokolatlan hospitalizáció, a HBCS-súlyszámok arányainak az eltorzulása és a túlkódolás. A hazai és a külföldi szakirodalom egybehangzó álláspontja szerint a kórházi szektorban a HBCS technika a legprogresszíveb, leghatékonyabb finanszírozási technika az egészségügyi költségrobbanás hatásainak kezelésére. Az elmúlt években olyan eltérő adottságú országok tértek át a bázisfinanszírozásról a DRG/HBCs finanszírozásra, mint Németország, Hollandia vagy Románia. 1993-ban Magyarország mintegy tíz évvel előzte meg a korát, amikor bevezette a HBCs alapú finanszírozást. Az új technika hatására a kórházaknak megnőtt a költségérzékenységük érdekeltté váltak teljesítményük növelésében jelentős mértékben csökkent az átlagos ápolási idő nőtt a szolgáltatások technikai- és költséghatékonysága a kórházak teljesítménye mérhetővé, összehasonlíthatóvá vált. Az újonnan kialakított rendszer a finanszírozás alapjának az egyes kórházak teljesítményét tekinti. A valós teljesítmény kimutatása a változások ellenére is sokszor akadályokba ütközik. Ilyen akadály lehet például, hogy a betegségek mellett nem tüntetik fel a kísérő- betegségeket, szövődményeket, és ezáltal jelentős összegtől esik el az adott kórház. Ezen kívül, pedig jelentős tényező az, hogy a kórházakat semmi nem ösztönzi a valós teljesítmény kimutatására. Ugyanis az a kórház, amely a valódi teljesítményét mutatja ki, s a korrekciós tényező használatával teljesítményénél kevesebb pénzt kap, fizetési nehézségekbe kerülhet. Ezzel szemben az, aki megpróbál manipulálni a kórházi napok, a pontértékek számával, valódi teljesítményéhez képest többletpénzhez juthat, s így esetleg elkerülheti a fizetési problémákat. Magyarországon az egészségügyi ellátás egyik kritikus, átalakulóban levő területe a járóbetegek szakellátása. Mint gazdálkodó egység, a járóbeteg-szakellátó intézmény nem önmagában létezik, hanem környezetbe ágyazva. Hazánkat sem kerüli el az a nemzetközi trend, melyben az ambuláns ellátási forma prioritást kap: az egészséges verseny kihívást jelent a járóbeteg-szakellátó intézmények vezetése számára is.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Genetic and environmental risk factors associated with venous thrombosis in the Hungarian populationNatae, Shewaye Fituma; Fiatal, Szilvia; Shewaye Fituma; Egészségtudományok doktori iskola; Általános Orvostudományi KarBackground: Venous thrombosis (VT) is one of the three principal causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD) related mortality with a significant genetic predisposition. In Europe, although overall CVD-related morbidity is decreasing, mortality is still high. Hungary shares the largest proportion of this mortality, and CVD remains the prominent cause of death in Hungary. The coexistence of heritable and non-heritable risk factors increases the burden of VT in dual-exposed individuals. Formerly conducted studies revealed that the Roma population is at higher risk of CVD due to heritable and non-heritable VT risk factors. Thus, we aimed to explore and compare the gene-environmental interactions and VTE risk in general Hungarian and Roma subjects. We further aimed to investigate the combined VT risk predictability of the five strongly associated SNPs and well-known conventional VT risk factors in the Hungarian population. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study design was employed among 406 general Hungarian and 395 Roma subjects. Moreover, a case-control study was conducted among 298 clinically confirmed VT cases and 400 health controls to investigate the heritable background of VT in the Hungarian population. Except for the 298 subjects data; which is collected by the DCLS, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, all other included data were extracted from the comprehensive database. Plink 1.9 version and IMB SPSS version 26 were used for the analysis. Furthermore, the AUCs for genetic and non-heritable risk factors were estimated to explore their VT risk predictability in the case-control study. An odds ratio (OR) with their respective 95% CI at 0.05 alpha value was used to declare any association between VT risk and its factors. Results: In both studies, the risk allele frequencies of F5 (rs6025), F11 (rs2036914), and ABO (rs8176719) are higher in the Hungarian population. However, in the comparative study, the SERPINC1 (rs121909567) SNP risk allele is only present in the Roma population but not all in the general Hungarian population, which confirmed that the Roma population is the origin of this particular mutation. The coexistence of genetic and non-heritable risk factors increases the likelihood of VT in double-exposed individuals. Due to the multiplicative interaction between the genetic and non-heritable risk factors such as depression and rs2036914 risk variant (β=0.819, p=0.02), high levels of LDL-C and rs2066865 (FGG) (β= 0.389, p= 0.002), rs8176719 (ABO/non-O blood type and cancer (β=0.370, p<0.001), rs2066865 (FGG) and CAD (β=0.143, p= 0.046) the risk of VTE is higher for the Roma subjects than the general Hungarian subjects. However, as a result of the synergistic interaction between cigarette smoking and Leiden mutation (β= 0.172, p= 0.008), diabetes mellitus and rs8176719 (ABO) (β= 0.194, p <0.01), rs8176719 (ABO) and CAD, (β= 0.197, p= 0.009), migraine (β= 0.287, p= 0.001), and depression (β= 0.342, p <0.001) the risk of VTE significantly higher only for the general Hungarian population but not for the Roma populations. Likewise, in a case-control study, the risk allele frequencies of F5, F11, and ABO are higher among the VT cases than in the control group. Specifically, the Leiden mutation risk allele is highly prevalent among VT cases. Its risk allele frequency was 3.52-fold higher in the VT group than in the control group (AOR =3.52, 95% CI: 2.50; 4.95). The combined (genetic and non-heritable) (AUC=0.89, p<0.001) show good discrimination between VT cases and control. Conclusions: In general, our studies provide insight into VT background (heritable and non-heritable VT risk factors) in the Hungarian population. The Leiden mutation (rs6025), F11 (rs2036914), and ABO (rs8176719) determine the genetic VT risk factors in the Hungarian populations. The presence of other non-heritable VT risk factors such as aging, CAD, DM, cancer, smoking, and obesity, increases the likelihood of VT risk in dual-exposed individuals compared to their counterparts. The combined model predicts the risk of VT risk in the Hungarian population. Recommendations Stratification of highly vulnerable individuals based on their genetic profiling and comorbidities are of paramount importance for the efficient and effective utilization of scarcely available VT risk controlling and preventive measures in the Hungarian population. Furthermore, we suggest further study that considers the novel and strongly associated VT SNPs and the formerly identified SNPs and their comparison on the VT risk predictability in the Hungarian populationTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Impact of Genetic Factors on the Age of Onset for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Addition to the Conventional Risk Factors(2020) Pikó, Péter; Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Fiatal, Szilvia; Sándor, János; Ádány, RózaTétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Importance of prevention and screening of cervical cancer in Nigeria (Bayelsa State)Sam Owei, Baa Barrat; Fiatal, Szilvia; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Pásti, GabriellaCervical cancer is the most common genital cancer and one of the leading causes of death among female population. Fortunately, this cancer is preventable by screening for premalignant lesions but this is rarely provided and hardly utilised. The aims and objectives are to describe the knowledge and attitude of Bayelsa State women concerning prevention and screening of cervical cancer and to know about the reason why it's necessary for them to be screened for cervical cancer. Data were obtained through survey forms and by interviews conducted by researchers. 404 questionnaires was administered to women from age 25- 45< that comes to the hospital for gynaecology problems and antenatal clinics in the gynaecology department. (62.1%) of these women are married, and (36.6%) are single. In this study the awareness of Pap smear screening test is 41.3% which is a bit high. It shows that the awareness of Pap smear test is higher among students. That is to show that, the level of understanding about Pap smear test is high among the educated women. These are the major findings of this research. The knowledge regarding risk factor for cervical cancer among the women is very low, 31.1% knows that having more than one sexual partner is a risk factor, while 15.8% only are aware that smoking is a risk factor. When we compare this to those that don't have any awareness, it's very clear that there is lack of awareness concerning cervical cancer. Knowledge regarding symptoms, 49.7% of the respondents are knowledgeable that cervical cancer can be prevented and 20.7% also know about menorrhagia as symptom for cervical cancer which is not too good because 66.8% of the respondents have heard about cervical cancer and 49.7% heard through health workers so there should be some understanding concerning the risk factors and symptoms but is not as expected. Based on this urgent attention is needed in the State to create awareness concerning cervical cancer and make available more screening centers in the state.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Integrating Genetic and Conventional Risk Fcators for Improving Coronary Heart Disease Risk PredictionNasr, Nayla; Fiatal, Szilvia; Egészségtudományok Doktori Iskola; Egészségtudományi Kar; Általános Orvostudományi Kar::Népegészség-és Járványtani IntézetIntroduction: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a global health concern, and preventive intervention is available for high-risk individuals. Objectives: The study aims to summarize genetic and conventional risk factor (CRF) modelling studies for CHD risk prediction, assess the performance of risk prediction models, and evaluate the potential improvement by incorporating genetic information. Our study also aims to compare the sociodemographic, and lifestyle factors associated with CHD risk in the Hungarian (Roma and general) populations, estimate the allele frequencies of genetic risk scores (GRSs), and develop new models (by integrating GRS and CRFs) for predicting CHD/AMI risk among the Hungarian populations and assess their performance. Methods: A systematic review and cross-sectional were conducted, utilizing various databases (Embase, PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science, and Scopus), and multivariable regression analyses (ROC curve analyses were also performed to assess the models' performances). Genetic analyses involved the calculation of GRSs and weighted GRS weres from the genotype data of 558 participants Results: The review identified coronary artery calsification (CAC) as an effective predictor of CHD risk. GRS analysis revealed differences between the general and Roma populations, suggesting higher genetic predisposition among the general population, and greater susceptibility to environmental factors among Roma. Socioeconomic disparities were noted, influencing health outcomes. Roma had a higher prevalence rate of various diseases but differed in certain risk factors like smoking and lipid levels. integration of CRFs and GRSs improved CHD prediction, with age, medication of elevated total cholesterol, and hypertension emerging as significant predictors. Conclusion: Age and cholesterol medication were key predictors for CHD among the general population while hypertension medication was predominant among among the Roma. population. Integrating CRFs and genetic components enhanced predictive performance, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive risk assessment for CHD prevention.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Investigation of Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Coronary Heart Diseases in the Hungarian General and Roma PopulationsShahbazov, Muslum; Fiatal, Szilvia; Megelőző Orvostani Intézet / Department of Preventive Medicine; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Zsebik, Barbara; Bárdos, Helga; Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology; Department of Preventive MedicineIn the majority of Central and Eastern European countries, Roma represent over 5% of the population (“by Bernath A. [2009]). Their health status is significantly worse than that if the majority population.The aim of our study was to determine whether a genetic susceptibility does indeed contribute to the higher prevalence of cardiovascular-ill health in the Roma population. This is the first study to investigate several susceptible loci for CHD among Roma living in segregated colonies and to compare them with data for the majority Hungarian population.we examined genetic polymorphisms associated with CHD in four study groups: the Hungarian general population, Hungarian Roma population, clinical controls and clinically submitted cases. We hypothesized that CVD risk calculated on the basis of 22 SNPs is different between study populations.In addition, our study introduced the concept of GRS, a means to aggregate information from multiple gene variants into a single score. This descriptive study assumes that the effect size of SNPs studied was similar in our study populations, than it was found in the populations previously studied and the effect size described. Our results showed that indicators of SC-GRS, OR-GRS and EV-GRS were significantly lower in the HG population. Although a relatively small set of SNPs was selected for inclusion in GRSs, the results imply that it is possible to derive a genetic score that has at least some discriminative ability. The results suggest that genetic susceptibility might underlie the higher prevalence of cardiovascular ill-health in the Roma population.In our study the effect of potential confounders were not considered. However, subsequent analyses are needed because including the major confounding factors (eg.age, BMI, age when disease was diagnosed, blood pressure, sex and HDL, LDL levels) in multivariate logistic regression analyses might further refine the relationship between genetic risk factors and ethnic disparities in CHD prevalence.The obvious limitation of the current study is that the Roma study population was not representative of the overall Roma population in Hungary.
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