Szerző szerinti böngészés "Hsieh, Cho-Hen"
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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Accuracy of subtractive technologies in dentistryHsieh, Cho-Hen; Suta, Márton József; Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló Tanszék; DE--Fogorvostudományi Kar; Csermák, Sára Kata; Szalóki, Melinda; Fogorvostudományi Kar::Bioanyagtani és Fogpótlástani Nem Önálló TanszékThis literature review emphasized the accuracy of the prosthetic dentistry specimen fabricated by subtractive technology. The aim is to analyze existing publications and determine the factors affecting manufacturing accuracy. It tackles the accuracy of dental prosthetics in various ways, including definitions and measures to determine denture accuracy, impression-making methods, milling protocol, and sequences, and comparative studies between different existing dental prosthetic manufacturing techniques.