Szerző szerinti böngészés "Mustakhisheva , Dinayasmin"
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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Acknowledgement of Fair Trade Movement in diverse producer communities in Asian regionMustakhisheva , Dinayasmin; Tóth, Eszter; DE--Gazdaságtudományi KarThis research aimed to examine the producer acknowledgement and participation in the operations under Fair Trade in the Asian region. Literature review gave a clear picture of the concept of Fair Trade, its history, participants, principles, impact and critique. Secondary research method has been chosen as a tool for conducting this research in order to gain different perspectives on the impact Fair Trade has brought to the producer communities in the Asian region. 4 case studies from 4 different producer countries have been picked to assess the awareness and participation of producers. Countries included India, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan and Nepal. Both qualitative and quantitative findings have been integrated in the research.