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Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients: the "THESIS" collaborative(2023) Zarkovic, Milos; Attanasio, Roberto; Nagy, Endre V.; Negro, Roberto; Papini, Enrico; Perros, Petros; Cohen, Chagit Adler; Akarsu, Ersin; Alevizaki, Maria; Ayvaz, Goksun; Bednarczuk, Tomasz; Berta, Eszter; Bodor, Miklós; Borissova, Anna-Maria I.; Boyanov, Mihail A.; Buffet, Camille; Burlacu, Maria-Cristina; Ciric, Jasmina; Díez, Juan J.; Dobnig, Harald; Fadeyev, Valentin; Field, Benjamin C. T.; Fliers, Eric; Frlich, Jacob Stampe; Führer, Dagmar; Galofré, Juan C.; Hakala, Tommi; Jiskra, Jan; Kopp, Peter; Krebs, Michael; Krsek, Michal; Kuzma, Martin; Lantz, Mikael; Lazúrová, Ivica; Leenhardt, Laurence; Luchytskiy, Vitaliy; McGowan, Anne; Melo, Miguel; Metso, Saara; Moran, Carla; Morgunova, Tatyana; Mykola, Tronko; Beleslin, Biljana Nedeljkovic; Niculescu, Dan Alexandru; Peric, Bozidar; Planck, Tereza; Poiana, Catalina; Puga, Francisca Marques; Robenshtok, Eyal; Rosselet, Patrick; Ruchaa, Marek; Riis, Kamilla Ryom; Shepelkevich, Alla P.; Unuane, David; Vardarli, Irfan; Visser, W. Edward; Vrionidou, Andromachi; Younes, Younes Ramazan; Yurenya, Elena V.; Hegedüs, LászlóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Features of the use of synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones: a 2020 THESIS* questionnaire survey of members of the Belarusian Public Medical Association of Endocrinology and Metabolism(2021) Shepelkevich, Alla P.; Dydyshka, Yuliya V.; Yurenya, Elena V.; Lobashova, Veranika L.; Attanasio, Roberto; Hegedüs, László; Nagy, Endre V.; Negro, Roberto; Papini, Enrico; Perros, PetrosTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Pajzsmirigyhormon-kezelési szokások Magyarországon(2022) Berta, Eszter; Lengyel, Inez; Hegedűs, László; Papini, Enrico; Perros, Petros; Negro, Roberto; Attanasio, Roberto; Nagy, Endre V.; Bodor, MiklósTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Treatment of Obesity with Thyroid hormones in Europe. Data from the THESIS* Collaboration(2024) Galofré, Juan C.; Díez, Juan J.; Attanasio, Roberto; Nagy, Endre V.; Negro, Roberto; Papini, Enrico; Perros, Petros; Zarkovic, Milos; Akarsu, Ersin; Alevizaki, Maria; Ayvaz, Goksun; Bednarczuk, Tomasz; Beleslin, Biljana Nedeljkovic; Berta, Eszter; Bodor, Miklós; Borissova, Anna-Maria I.; Boyanov, Mihail A.; Buffet, Camille; Burlacu, Maria-Cristina; Dobnig, Harald; Fadeyev, Valentin; Field, Benjamin C. T.; Fliers, Eric; Führer, Dagmar; Hakala, Tommi; Jiskra, Jan; Kopp, Peter; Krebs, Michael; Krsek, Michal; Kuzma, Martin; Lantz, Mikael; Lazúrová, Ivica; Leenhardt, Laurence; Luchytskiy, Vitaliy; Puga, Francisca Marques; McGowan, Anne; Metso, Saara; Moran, Carla; Morgunova, Tatyana; Niculescu, Dan Alexandru; Peric, Bozidar; Planck, Tereza; Poiana, Catalina; Robenshtok, Eyal; Rosselet, Patrick; Ruchaa, Marek; Riis, Kamilla Ryom; Shepelkevich, Alla P.; Tronko, Mykola D.; Unuane, David; Vardarli, Irfan; Visser, W. Edward; Vryonidou, M.; Younes, Younes Ramazan; Hegedüs, LászlóTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Use of thyroid hormones in hypothyroid and euthyroid patients: a 2020 THESIS questionnaire survey of members of the Czech Society of Endocrinology(2022) Jiskra, Jan; Palecek, Jan; Attanasio, Roberto; Hegedüs, László; Nagy, Endre V.; Papini, Enrico; Perros, Petros; Negro, Roberto; Krsek, MichalTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Use of thyroid hormones in hypothyroid and euthyroid patients: a THESIS questionnaire survey of Serbian physicians(2022) Nedeljkovic-Beleslin, Biljana; Attanasio, Roberto; Hegedüs, László; Nagy, Endre V.; Negro, Roberto; Papini, Enrico; Perros, Petros; Ciric, Jasmina; Zarkovic, MilosTétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Use of thyroid hormones in hypothyroid and euthyroid patients: A THESIS questionnaire survey of UK endocrinologists(2023) Younes, Younes Ramazan; Perros, Petros; Hegedüs, László; Papini, Enrico; Nagy, Endre V.; Attanasio, Roberto; Negro, Roberto; Field, Benjamin C. T.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Use of thyroid hormones in hypothyroid and euthyroid patients: a THESIS* questionnaire survey of Polish physicians. *THESIS: Treatment of hypothyroidism in Europe by specialists: an international survey(2021) Bednarczuk, Tomasz; Attanasio, Roberto; Hegedüs, László; Nagy, Endre V.; Negro, Roberto; Papini, Enrico; Perros, Petros; Ruchaa, Marek