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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Graham Linehan Debunks the Stereotypes of the Irish(2013-01-21T08:15:14Z) Vixathep, Nikolett; Oroszné Gula, Marianna; DE--TEK--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe Irish character and typical images of Irishness have changed through the centuries and have formed depending on the political and cultural situation. From harmless imbecility, through threatening, dirty rascal, to dangerous hooligan, Paddy has been invested with various features, some of which have survived. In my thesis, I am going to focus on the successful TV shows of Irish television writer and director Graham Linehan which humorously engage with centuries old stereotypes of Irish people. More particularly I am going to analyse Father Ted (1995-1998), Black Books (2000-2004) and The IT Crowd (2006-2010) and see how Linehan stages and comically debunks stereotypical images of Irishness.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető “A pastiche … an homage … a nod of the head” - Postmodern citation in quentin tarantino’s pulp fiction and martin Mcdonagh’s in brugesVixathep, Nikolett; Gula, Marianna; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarIn this thesis, I will examine the diverse effects of citation in postmodern cinema through McDonagh’s and Tarantino’s films, focusing on the directors’ sources of reference, their mode of citing the gangster genre and the ethical dimension they channel by the evocation of religious subjects.