Cloud Management System

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The constant evolution of the web and its increasingly widespread use served as a lever for the proliferation of latest services and architectures that aim to satisfy the demand of the private sector but mainly to the necessity for optimization and demand for development of enterprises . Cloud Computing solutions has joined the vocabulary and therefore the day-today of the knowledge Technology area and typically is related to an application model of high flexibility where a various range of resources and IT services are delivered to finish users through an online connection . Assuming that progress and improvement come from within, this work aims to implement a personal cloud computing infrastructure using open source software so as to satisfy the challenges posed by the management body thereto departments regarding the value control issues, in terms of acquisition of kit and licensing, providing a more agile and highly customizable infrastructure while maintaining high standards of quality, safety and robustness . This present work introduced us the OpenStack platform, its constituent elements and the way they interrelate to present a Cloud solution, having this experience allowing to demonstrate that it's possible to implement a reliable Cloud Computing infrastructure using open source software, household range hardware and still obtain good performance levels . The information may be a lot and sometimes scattered, which, including the company's interest in Cloud Computing, served as an incentive to review the OpenStack platform and therefore the various possible implementations. so as to reply to the goal of the way to create an economically viable IaaS, both within the use of open source software and within the use of hardware, a practical implementation of the answer was made using daily equipment utilized in the corporate.

OpenStack, Cloud, Cloud Management