Daily news by using C# and Angular

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The news is especially necessary to know how the world is changing. The things that are happening, and the discoveries that are being made which will alter the way we live. For instance, the use of robotics in the medical treatment had led many people’s lives to be saved when all hope was lost. This is the reason that we need to know the current happenings if not in the world but your own country at least. Everyone needs to look up the news. News is important for a number of reasons within a society. Mainly to inform the public about events that are around them and may affect them. This web app is about bringing European daily news collected from big news websites like The Sun, BBC, etc to people from all over the world with a friendly and intuitive user interface.

C#, .Net Core, Angular, Visual Studio, MS SQL Server, Node.js, TypeScript, Daily news, Web app