The Noise emission analysis of internal combustion engine and electric motor vehicles

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The transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) is often brought up in relation to the advantages of emissions reduction for the environment. However, the acoustic environmental impact, particularly the noise emission characteristics of these vehicles, is a subject that needs comprehensive study. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of noise emissions from both ICE vehicles and EVs, aiming to elucidate their noise profiles and the implications for urban noise pollution. The research methodology involved a series of controlled experiments using the SoundCam 2.0 device to capture and analyze the noise levels of a 2017 MK7 Volkswagen Golf representing ICE vehicles and a 2020 Volkswagen e-Up for EVs. Measurements were conducted across six different scenarios, including stationary baseline noise levels, full throttle acceleration, and pass-by noise at varying speeds, to simulate real-world driving conditions. Initial findings indicate that at lower speeds, EVs exhibit significantly lower noise levels compared to their ICE counterparts, primarily due to the absence of engine noise. This suggests that EVs could play a crucial role in reducing noise pollution in urban environments, where lower speeds are common, and noise pollution is a significant concern for public health and well-being. However, the research also uncovered that the noise level difference between ICE vehicles and EVs diminishes as vehicle speed increases. At higher speeds, non-propulsion-related noises such as tire-road interaction and aerodynamic effects become more pronounced, leading to a convergence of noise levels between the two vehicle types. This phenomenon highlights the complex nature of automotive noise sources and underscores the need for a diverse approach to noise reduction that goes beyond the powertrain. The thesis further explores the potential environmental health benefits of widespread EV adoption, considering the lower noise levels at typical city driving speeds. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities for noise reduction technologies, emphasizing the importance of addressing aerodynamic and tire-related noise, especially as the automotive industry continues to evolve towards electric mobility. In conclusion, this thesis provides valuable insights into the comparative noise emissions of ICE vehicles and EVs, offering a subtle understanding of their environmental impact. The findings advocate for the integration of noise reduction strategies in vehicle design and urban planning, reinforcing the role of EVs in creating quieter, healthier cities. Future research directions are proposed, focusing on the development of innovative noise control technologies and the establishment of new urban design principles that consider the acoustic environment as a critical component of urban liveability.

Automobiles Analysis, ICE vs EV analysis, Noise emission, Automotive noise emissions analysis