CodeDOG - Automated Feedback and Assessment for Programming Assignments
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The aim of this paper is to provide an alternative approach to automated feedback for programming assignments using various technologies. After analyzing the existing solutions, to name a few: ProgCont, HackerRank, check50 and Moodle CodeRunner. The experience was unsatisfactory, ranging from problematic setups, limitations, back-doors and financial difficulties. With the help of the existing platform CoDExe, we were able to add the support of providing feedback to C programming assignments. Diving to the root of programming languages concepts, the proposed solution was to use Grammars. The usage of Grammars would grant us syntactical and lexing analysis without running the source code, it comes with the power of parsing trees. In conclusion, we provide our feedback based on multiple approaches instead of one; mainly focusing on the usage of ANTLR and clang, with which we achieved satisfiable results after testing.