PLC picking methods in exercise

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Different methods are available for selecting and using PLCs, each with its own pros and cons. By looking at past research, industry practices, and new developments, insights can be gained into the most effective strategies. Then, five specific PLCs from popular brands can be chosen and compared using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This will help determine which one fits best for different needs in the field. Also, exploring into how PLC technology has changed over time and the challenges industries face today can provide valuable insights. Plus, understanding how ideas from Lean and Agile methods fit in, and exploring the high-tech world of Industry 4.0, where smart technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) play a big role, can further inform decision-making. By looking at real examples and best practices, industries can make smarter choices in automation.

Lean, PLc, Manufacturing companies, Agile Supply chain, AHP Method