Waste Reduction in the Assembly Line

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In this study, gemba walk, muda hunting, 5S auditing, and cycle time measurements were carried out to observe the waste in the assembly line of a company that produces battery chargers for electrical cars. During the gemba walk, VAA and NVAA were recognized, and their percentages indicated as 38,19 and 61,81 respectively. During the 5S Audit, particularly in the assembly kits, unnecessary materials were found, some necessary parts could not be found and there was no order in the assembly kits. The consequences of this situation can be summarized as follows: an excessive amount of time was spent distinguishing the necessary parts. Employees had to go to other workstations or warehouses to bring the necessary parts. Additionally, sometimes disorder of assembly kits resulted in overprocessing because they were open to mistakes and confusion. Besides, the types of the Muda’s monitored in the line were inventory, movement, waiting, overproduction, and overprocessing. Based on cycle time measurements, it was seen that motion and inventory- lack of 5S were the major wastes with percentages of 76,62 and 12,14. Mainly, two essential wastes were focused and the A3 problem-solving method was implemented. It was suggested that assembly kits and the line itself should be checked, and only necessary materials with the desired amount should be placed, all others should be removed. Assembly kits should be prepared for only 1 part of the main product. The other suggestion is to apply of Kanban Logistics system in the firm. With the help of these two main applications, it is predicted that employees' attention and motivation will be enhanced, quality issues will be minimized, cycle time will be reduced, and productivity of the line will be increased. As a result, NVAA will be less and VA will be higher, based on these, customer satisfaction and company profit will be promoted.

Waste Reduction, A3 Problem Solving Method, Muda Hunting, 5 S Audit, Cycle Time Measurements