Comparison and evaluation of energy storage system

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Energy storage has been a challenge right from the beginning of the renewable energy revolution, The popularity of intermittent renewable energy is growing, as the storage of fixed and mobile energy continues to be a crucial area of focus. Electricity is not capable of being stored, but it can be transformed into other forms of energy that are capable of being kept. These stored forms of energy can then be converted back into electricity as needed. Energy storage systems can utilize many technologies such as electrochemical in form of batteries, supercapacitors, Mechanical in the form of flywheels, CAES, and Pumped hydro, thermal modules, Superconducting magnetic, power to gas and hybrid systems.

This study compares and evaluates the battery storage options through meticulous sizing calculations, clarifying the relationship between capacity, power, efficiency, and lifetime factors especially with regard to the recently implemented Solar Plusz Program (Napenergia’24), and power to gas, potential and hybrid storage options with the use of some formulars and calculations to consider the sizing of these technologies and compares the criteria needed for sizing. The review that was carried out shows that a hybrid energy storage system performs better in terms of microgrid stability and reliability when compared to applications that use a simple battery energy storage system with case studies. Hybrid energy storage system (HESS) is the best option for energy storage because a single energy storage system cannot meet every demand at once. So, choosing the right combination of storage solutions is essential for a system design that is cost-effective.

battery, sizing, storage, renewable energy