Application of Superconducting Technologies in Protection System for Tajik Hydroelectric Power Plants

Sadykov, Sirozhiddin
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Thesis titled "Application of Superconducting Technologies in Protection Systems for Tajik Hydroelectric Power Plants" provides a detailed analysis of hydroelectric power plants and the potential benefits of using superconducting technologies in their protection systems. Particularly, an analysis of hydroelectric power plant facilities in Tajikistan was discussed, as the country has significant hydroelectric potential. Approximately 95% of Tajikistan's electricity is generated by hydroelectric power plants. Thesis outlines the following key aspects:

  1. An overview of the operating principles of hydroelectric power plants;
  2. Detailed information on Tajikistan's hydro power facilities;
  3. An analysis of the distribution grids in Tajikistan;
  4. The potential application of superconducting technologies in protection and distribution systems;
  5. The design a superconducting protection system for hydroelectric power grids;
Hydroelectric Power Plant, Superconductor, Power Distribution, Protection System, Fault Current Limitation