Wheelchair Maintenance through Durability and Fault Diagnosis with User Centered Design
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This thesis underscores the critical importance of wheelchair maintenance for ensuring safety, reliability, and usability for individuals with mobility impairments, advocating a proactive approach to prevent issues before they develop. It presents a comprehensive analysis of wheelchair durability and predictive maintenance strategies, utilizing Finite Element Analysis to assess and enhance the structural integrity of key components like the footrest and frame. Simulation-driven predictive maintenance is developed through modal analysis and fatigue assessment, enabling early identification of potential failure points and integrating sensors for real-time monitoring and diagnostics. A user-centered design approach tailors maintenance solutions to the needs of wheelchair users, prioritizing ease of maintenance and adaptability. Maintenance optimization strategies focus on standardizing procedures and leveraging predictive analytics to minimize unexpected breakdowns and ensure consistent performance. The results provide a framework for improving wheelchair maintenance through structural optimization and real-time fault monitoring.