Han dynasty of Chinese history exhibition in virtual reality

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In the next few years of VR technology development, digital exhibition hall must be a popular and mainstream field, which is helpful for cultural promotion, heritage conservation, and various educational undertakings. I would like to use this thesis to let people better understand the VR industry, which must be an integral part of the future development of science. This thesis is written about history exhibition in VR system, which shows some exhibits and history events about Han dynasty, and it is made by 3ds Max, displayed and implemented in MaxWhere. It is a Chinese style VR environment to show the ancient Chinese culture that people know less or don't know. Also, it is a great way to preserve historic symbols. I believe that this project will demonstrate to some extent the application and advantages of VR technology in heritage conservation, digital exhibition halls, lectures, etc.

Virtual Reality, 3ds Max, MaxWhere, Digital Exhibition