Application of mixture of coagulants in greywater treatment

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Greywater treatment and reuse are vital for sustainable water management, reducing strain on fresh water sources and pollution in water bodies. Hybrid coagulants are promising for water treatment, but their efficiency in greywater treatment remains understudied. A bench-scale study evaluated hybrid coagulation-filtration in treating sythentic bathroom greywater. The hybrid approach, using ferric chloride and lime, proved most effective, optimizing colloids removal and achieving high turbidity removal with a neutral pH. The study also tested real bathroom greywater, finding similar results though variations existed due to different sources. The hybrid coagulation-filtration process consistently met water reuse standards, outperforming single coagulant methods, highlighting its efficacy for decentralized greywater treatment.

greywater reuse, coagulation-flocculation, filtration, treatment efficiency, hybrid coagulants