Statisztika a következő hatókörre szűkítve: Rediscovery of the anti-pancreatic antibodies and evaluation of their prognostic value in a prospective clinical cohort of Crohn's patients: the importance of specific target antigens (GP2 and CUZD1)

Összes látogatás

Rediscovery of the anti-pancreatic antibodies and evaluation of their prognostic value in a prospective clinical cohort of Crohn's patients: the importance of specific target antigens (GP2 and CUZD1) 113

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Fájlok megtekintése

file_up_ecco-jcc.jjv087.full.pdf 107

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Egyesült Államok 38
Magyarország 14
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Csehország 1

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Debrecen 14
Fairfield 12
Seattle 6
Woodbridge 5
Ashburn 4
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San Diego 3
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Wilmington 1