Acta Neerlandica (DE-journals)

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  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Actuele benaderingen van literatuurdidactiek in het NVT-onderwijs in Hongarije
    (2023-10-30) Hetei, Adrienn
    This article deals with current approaches of teaching literature in NVT studies in Hungary. The research examines the coherence of literature and foreign language teaching – in this case Dutch as a foreign language. The general question, which requires both theoretical and empirical research, is aimed at which methods exist with which foreign language skills can be developed through the teaching of literature and literary skills through foreign language pedagogy. The present article is the first step on this path: it describes the situation of literature and foreign language teaching in Hungary and those theoretical approaches that should act as the background of future didactic research.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Vlaamse Beweging en de patstelling van het Nederlands in de publieke overheid en het onderwijs in het jonge België (1830–1850)
    (2023-10-30) Fabry, Jan
    Although the freedom of language use was anchored in the Belgian Constitution of 1831, in practice it led to almost complete Frenchification of public life, because civil servants could choose their own language. Dutch thus became the language of the countryside and the lower classes. Secondary and higher education were exclusively French speaking. The Flemish Movement came into being as a reaction to this. Cultural associations were founded and standards for Dutch language established. A petition in 1840 revealed the extent of the problem – the Flemish Movement demanded language equality and the establishment of a Flemish Academy. Although there was partial success in 1850 (Dutchification of primary and secondary education in Flanders), the petition also provoked a hostile reaction among French speakers who accused the Flemings of antibelgitude. The Flemish Movement therefore issued a pro-Belgian manifesto. But the government remained French speaking, so there was a stalemate.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Motivating Factors in Foreign Volunteering
    (2023-10-30) Szabó-Zsoldos, Gábor
    Twelve Hungarian volunteers have been identified so far among the 2,500 pro-Boer foreign volunteers who were ready to sacrifice their lives in the war between the Boer republics and the British Empire (1899–1902). The overwhelming majority of these volunteers travelled to South Africa to join the commandos of the Boers following the escalation of the conflict. Tibor Péchy was one of the Hungarian combatants, but in contrast with the other Hungarian volunteers, he had been living in South Africa since 1896. This makes him a special Hungarian participant of the Anglo-Boer War. The present paper analyses the motivating factors behind Péchy’s enlistment with the Boers.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Rudolf J. Vonka, vertaler of verminker?
    (2023-10-30) Engelbrecht, Wilken
    Rudolf J. Vonka (1877–1964) was one of the most important Czech translators of Dutch literature in the interwar period. He is best known as the translator of novels by the then internationally renowned Flemish writer Felix Timmermans. His translations were very successful, received positive reviews and were reprinted, sometimes long after the Second World War. However, the Dutch translator and netherlandist Olga Krijtová (1931–2013) discovered that Vonka had largely adapted the translated texts, which is a serious offence according to Czech translatological standards. The contribution discusses Vonka’s position and work as a translator and possible motives for his approach. Finally, it shows why Vonka can after all be considered an important contributor to the spread of Dutchlanguage literature in the Czech Republic.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Economisch belang en persoonlijk voorkeur
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
    The Dutch writer Madelon Székely-Lulofs and her husband László Székely played a very important role in the cultural transfer between the Netherlands and Hungary in the thirties of the 20th century. They have translated several works of Dutch and Hungarian writers and wrote novels about the Dutch-East Indies. They chose writers who were successful and well-known for their translations. Commercial success and personal interests also played a role in their choice of works to translate. As a results the works of Lajos Kassák, Sándor Márai, Ferenc Molnár, Lajos Zilahy, Jolán Földes, Mihály Földi, Zsolt Harsányi, Ferenc Körmendi and Gábor Vaszary were translated in Dutch. Books of Piet Bakker, Jan de Hartog, Ary den Hertog, Klaas Nore and Anton Coolen were translated in Hungarian.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Hoe de Nederlandse juffers met liefde omgingen
    (2023-10-30) Urbaniak, Jan
    Love played an important role in Wolff and Deken’s 18th-century bestseller, The History of Miss Sara Burgerhart. The attitude to the feelings allowed the reader to get to know the novel’s characters thoroughly. That how they talked about love and made love helped in the reconstruction of their character drawing. Sara – the title character of the novel – went through a development that also changed her conception of love: from the irresponsible teenager who enjoyed the company of various, sometimes rowdy boys, she gradually became an ideal wife and mother, with whom the sincere love prevailed. In this contribution, several models of love in the Sara Burgerhart epistolary novel were contrasted: the French-tinted, sentimentally colored libertine love game with the calm, reasoned feelings in the Dutch way. The result of such contradiction is easy to guess.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    dagboek en alba amicorum van Sámuel Cseh-Szombathy
    (2023-10-30) Bozzay, Réka
    In this paper I have analysed the itinerary of Sámuel Cseh-Szombathy, a former student of the Reformed College of Debrecen. After having finished his studies in Göttingen and Vienna, he started with a journey in 1790 through Southern German cities, the Dutch Republic, England and finally France. During his journey he wrote an itinerary where he made a record of his costs and what he as a medical doctor found interesting: hospitals, madhouses, natural history collections and of course the most important medical personalities of his time. My main questions are: How unique is this itinerary and how well does it fit in the Hungarian tradition of itineraries of the Early Modern Time?
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    ‘Historiese improvisasie’
    (2023-10-30) Bandov, Toni
    Karel Schoeman’s fictional historiography Skepelinge. Aanloop tot ‘n roman (2017) offers an alternative representation of the early colonial history at Cape of Good Hope with its pronounced emphasis on marginalized individuals or groups and unrealized social potentials of the (hybridized) colonial society. By activating forgotten or concealed narratives and alternative visions of history and by writing from the position of historical ‘losers’, the text also contains an anti-colonial potential and reveals a constant ideological struggle in the historiographical representations. The novel therefore fits into the postapartheid literary trend of rewriting (national) history, parodizing canonical texts and criticizing the ideological strongholds of Afrikaner nationalism.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Woord vooraf
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Herdenking aan protestantse dominees
    (2023-10-30) Hetei, Adrienn
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Internationalisering aan de Universiteit Leiden
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Nederlandse literatuur in Hongaarse vertaling
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    De Hongaarse connectie
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Debrecen en Nederland
    (2023-10-30) Szentmiklósi, Gergő
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    In Memoriam Erika Dedinszky (1942–2022)
    (2023-10-30) Gera, Judit
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Kleurrijk feest van de Caraïbische poëzie
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Niet alleen voor het plezier
    (2023-10-30) Pusztai, Gábor
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Enkele beginselen van de persoonlijke, professionele en interculturele ontwikkeling van toekomstige vertalers
    (2024-05-27) Milošovičová, Petra
    Some principles of intercultural personal development for future translators (not only Dutch translators).      This paper points out the necessary hard and soft skills of future translators and interpreters with regard to their intercultural competences. The issue has been widely discussed around the world, but the wide range of problems needs to be updated in each country, for each language pair. For students of Dutch Studies, the fact that Dutch as a pluricentric language often has terminological variants and pseudo-synonyms adds to this. In any case, this should also be conveyed didactically and thus sensitize the students in this respect as well.
  • TételSzabadon hozzáférhető
    Lege woorden, volle bekers, tevreden gesprekspartners – enkele notities over conversatieroutinen in een gespreksboekje uit de 16de eeuw
    (2024-05-27) Grzega, Joachim
    Empty words, full goblets, contented interlocutors – some notes on conversational routines in a colloquy from the 16 th century      The article analyzes the three conversations in the 1527 version of Noel van Barlainmont’s Dutch–French Vocabulare with regard to aspects of Dutch (or Flemish) historical pragmatics. The analysis shows: (1) some parallel language structures in both languages that can be seen as likely authentic: (a) a single address pronoun; (b) address terms (kinship terms, especially the today semantically more restrictive “nephew/niece”, and “friend” for a customer), (b) (full and elliptical) greetings with the pattern “God give you [+ tomorrow/day/evening]”, (c) the high frequency of imperatives for directive speech-acts (and the infrequent use of positive, negative, and indirect politeness), (d) the high frequency of imperative for commissive (and commissive-directive) language acts, (e) farewell phrases with the element “God”; (2) noteworthy content structures: (a) “adequate rudeness” in bargaining, (b) lying by a debtor in front of a creditor and a potential bail, (c) the small-talk topic “war and peace” and (d) prolonged leave-taking scenes; (3) Flemish peculiarities (in contrast to French): (a) the more frequent use of “my” before address terms, (b) the pattern “Hoe vaar jij?” after the greeting formula, (c) the connection of “Yes” and “No” with pronouns, (d) Ic danck v, ic bedanck v, grooten danck and, possibly, God segen u as variants of thanking, (e) in addition to te gode , there is also the French borrowing adieu .