Translating Piers Anthony's Chton

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Near the end of 2011 I was asked whether I wanted and whether I was able to translate into Hungarian a novel written by the best-selling British-American author, Piers Anthony. As it was to be the first whole novel of which I would be translator – having translated so far only short stories – I gladly accepted the task. The title of the book is Chthon, and it was first published in 1967. In the same year it was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel, and in 1968, for Hugo Award for Best Novel (The Internet Speculative Fiction Database) – two of the most prestigious awards for works of science fiction. During the process of translation – which has not been finished yet at the time of the writing of present study – I have encountered several problematic and challenging sequences, paragraphs, words and expressions translating which required quite a bit of literary inventiveness. Along with my experienced and well-known editor, Zsolt Kornya, we tried to find the most appropriate Hungarian translations, or, rather, adaptations, for these challenges. This present study aims at documenting and analyzing our choices and the underlying reasons behind them. The second part of the study consists of an excerpt of the translated text; a version that will be sent to my editor for supervising. In most of the cases I shall try to bring examples from that batch to illustrate the most interesting and unique processes and techniques that I used with Chthon unless I am certain that another part would serve my purposes better.

translation, science fiction