Theses (Institute of English and American Studies)
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Theses collection of the Institute of English and American Studies
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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Interpretation Technique in Communication Between English and ThaiSattayawong , Satima; Csontos, Pál; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarIn the age of globalization and rapid technological progress, language has become a powerful connecting factor between cultures. This research analyses the complex world of language interpretation, specifically the concept of digital communication modification in English and Thai. The purpose of the research is to determine the structure of these languages by examining how their features affect translation processes. The research aims to discuss the challenges and benefits associated with digital technologies. This seeks to advance the current methods of interpretation for making translation contexts more efficient and reliable.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Planned Invasion of JapanBalogh, Levente Sándor; Balogh, Máté Gergely; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarIn my thesis, I will look into Operation Downfall the cancelled invasion of the Japanese Empire by the United States and its allies. I will show the plans they made in a detailed manner, the different phases of the invasion that was considered, and what they expected the enemy’s defensive plans to look like. I will argue that it was the right choice that the United States found a different solution to end the Second World War, because just how devastating it would have been if Downfall had actually happened not just to the defenders, but to the Americans as well.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Exploring the Role of Photography in Life is Strange (2015)Kertész, Anasztázia; Horváth, Imre Olivér; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarIn the video game Life is Strange (2015), photography acts as a narrative device, a means of characterization, and a game mechanic, which allows the player to manipulate time and explore the human psyche. In my thesis, I explore photography’s diverse symbolic meanings, how it shapes the narrative, contributes to character development and as part of the gameplay. Photography acts as a narrative device as Max, the protagonist uses it to alter the past, altering the outcome of events. It is also used in a symbolic way, extending on the meaning of the phrase “capturing the moment,” and reflecting the subconscious minds of the characters, most importantly, Max’s and Jefferson’s. As a narrative device, photography foreshadows events that occur in the game through Max’s visiting of past events. However, the camera is also a means of abuse in the game. The corrupt place of the dark room represents the perverted psyche of the photography teacher Jefferson, who manipulates and exploits his victims.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Mental Health Awareness and Masculinity in Tim Burton's "Edward Scissorhands"Ombodi, Dorina Boglárka; Kalmár, György; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe aim of my thesis is to give readers a broader view into Tim Burton’s “Edward Scissorhands”, especially into the world of the protagonist, Edward Scissorhands. I discuss the course of his life, the difficulties he has to face and how these affect his mental health. I analyse what mental disorders may be discovered through his behaviour and how these appear in different situations. It also deals with the question of masculinity: broken stereotypes and the redefinition of manliness.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Short Form Content and English Vocabulary LearningSzoboszlai, Kristóf Géza; Szabó, Fruzsina; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThis thesis delves into the correlation between social media use (short form content, specifically) and language learning. Employing theory about how language is acquired, how social media affects the everyday lives of its users and the pedagogical implications of both. It contains research conducted with the help of high school students, focusing on their attitudes and experiences with both social media and language learning. The results reinforce the consensus of researchers and provides implications about how teachers can utilize and adapt to the changing times.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Intersection of Historical Accuracy, Western Tropes and Environmental Story-Telling in Red Dead Redemption 2Nagy, Gergely Máté; Bülgözdi, Imola; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe thesis paper was written to examine Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018) from various video game studies standpoints. Among these are the historical accuracy of the era, as it is portrayed within the ludic environment, and how immersive it is due to the efforts of the developers. Another one is how the diegesis is told not just through the narrative but also the environment itself, with the use of Western tropes that are expanded upon more than in previously mediated versions of the genre. Arthur is the avatar of the player, an extension to interact with said environment, and how the connection between him and the player is formed. It is also examined how Arthur's power curve, which is a common element in video games, first moves in a positive, stronger direction and then reverses as the story progresses forward.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Parallels of Social and Cultural Changes in the Underworld MoviesNagy , Ádám Bence; Bényei, Tamás; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe Underworld movie franchise depicts an ongoing conflict between werewolves and vampires, with the former experiencing significant physiological and psychological changes through five movies. These changes can be interpreted in several different ways. This thesis explores the changes as an allegory of Western history. The parallels in history and culture are discovered from the starting point of the story of the werewolves in the Underworld universe. Following that the social structures of the werewolves are described. The latter part of the thesis describes the main characters and motifs through a gender studies perspective and gender equality also appears.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Adoption Anxiety in OrphanSzékely, Fanni; Horváth, Imre; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarOrphan is a horror film with very negative attitudes in its portrayal of adoption, which is shown in the depiction of Esther as an orphan, as her character makes viewers uneasy. The Monstrous Child, as portrayed by Esther, embodies the horrors of adoption and foster children through the protagonist's frightening personality features and connection with her adoptive family. Her actions include seducing, murdering, manipulating, and torturing people around her, reflecting her lack of moral awareness. The narrative also uses artistic representations to reflect an adopted child’s chaotic mind. The film depicts the adopted child as an intruder who destroys and tries to take the roles of the family members away, like a monster, furthermore, the movie comes up with a solution to this problem of having the members of the family come together and destroy the intruder. The film painfully portrays the anxieties surrounding adoption and, at the same time, comes to a problematic conclusion on the topic.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Increase and Multiply: Authorship in Flann O’Brien’s At Swim-Two-BirdsBirgány, Dávid; Oroszné Gula, Marianna; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarLiterary texts that come to be recognised as great challenge literary conventions of their times and necessitate or anticipate the transformation of critical paradigms. Such texts are often misunderstood and miscategorized by their contemporary critics. The texts of the Irish writer, Brian O’Nolan (1911-66), fall into this category, as they occupy a unique position between the modernist and postmodern literary paradigms. In my thesis I will explore how O’Nolan’s writings – both his fiction and non-fiction – re-imagine the role of the author challenging, pointing beyond its modernist conceptualisation. The first chapter will examine how this multifaceted artist destabilised what Michel Foucault called “the author function” by writing under proliferating pseudonyms. The second chapter will focus on O’Nolan’s first novel, At Swim-Two-Birds, published under the pseudonym, Flann O’Brien, especially on the author characters multiplying in a mise-en-abyme narrative structure and their relation to modernist and postmodernist conceptions of authorship. The third chapter will further highlight the postmodern challenge to the authority of the author in the novel by exploring the relationship between the author figures and their characters.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Representation of Obsession Through Joe Goldberg’s Character in YOU, Season 1 (2018)Teleki, Emese; Hudácskó, Brigitta; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarIn the first season of the Netflix series YOU (2018), the theme of obsession takes center stage, offering a deep dive into the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the darker layers of romantic pursuit. My thesis attempts to unfold the multifaceted portrayal of obsession through the character of Joe Goldberg, exploring the psychological factors that drive his obsessive behavior in both romantic and non-romantic contexts. Drawing on Joe’s troubled childhood marked by neglect, abandonment, abuse, rigid discipline, and control, I explore how these formative experiences serve as a backdrop to his obsessive tendencies. The series vividly portrays Joe’s relentless quest for love, driven by distorted perceptions of affection and control, which manifests in possessive behaviors, stalking, manipulation, and the idealization of his romantic interest, Guinevere Beck. In a non-romantic context, the series also highlights Joe’s obsessive instincts toward protecting Paco, his neighbor’s son, as well as his attempt to project the illusion of an upstanding member of society that masks his underlying persona. The male gaze and the protector tropes are also examined, framing Joe’s obsessive behavior as justified while manipulating audience perceptions.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Vampires as Victims and Villains in 21st-Century Mass MediaMolnár, Viktória; Bényei, Tamás; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe thesis is concerned with the portrayal of vampires and their addiction to blood in 21st-century mass media. Special attention is paid to the evolution of the vampire in the last four decades and the symbolism of blood. Scientific and medical approaches are also investigated, as well as the vampire's status within society and potential treatments for their addiction. On the whole, the thesis attempts to answer the question of whether redemption is achievable for vampires. The main focus of the essay is the character of John Mitchell from the BBC Three TV show "Being Human".Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Beyond the Cage: Chaos, Death and Mentall Illness in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia PlathSimon, Viktória; Pataki, Éva; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThis thesis aims to investigate the relation between Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath through the lens of their depiction of chaos, death and mental illness. The two poets were alive in different centuries, yet they managed to describe similar thoughts about these themes or at times, very different ones. This is an analytical comparison of the symbols, motifs and beliefs of Dickinson and Plath while understanding their personal lives and how it affected their poems. The main focus is on drawing a connecting line between the two poets through their poems and their understanding of human emotions and the human psyche.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Its Impact on American EducationBacskai, Flóra; Venkovits, Balázs; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarCharles Darwin’s theory of evolution revolutionized science, challenged religious orthodoxy and stimulated intellectual curiosity and development through multiple fields of science and philosophy. In this thesis, I explore concepts of evolution by unraveling the history of the theory and analyzing its impact on the American educational system. I aim to focus on the early stages of evolutionary theory and its cumbersome acceptance both in the public consciousness and in the educational setting due to the modern way of scientific thinking and the flexible nature of the curricula and analyze some present-day research data on the American’s public view of evolution.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Ironic Representation of Masculine Heroism and Courage in Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of CourageRoskó, Tünde; Csató, Péter; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe thesis explores the ironic representation of masculine heroism and courage in Stephen Crane's novel, The Red Badge of Courage.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Language Attitudes Among English-Learning Hungarian StudentsKovács, Vanda; Balogh, Erzsébet; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThis thesis explores the characteristics of English and its position as a lingua franca, as well as the language attitudes of Hungarian English-speaking students, based on an online questionnaire. Additionally, the properties and types of bilingualism are discussed in the beginning of the thesis. Respective to this research, the following three questions were initially: 1) to what extent do Hungarian students find knowing English important, 2) what difficulties do they think could arise during learning for a Hungarian speaker and 3) how do they judge Hungarian as a language compared to English. Based on the results, the attitudes of the participants proved to be overwhelmingly positive towards English, and the reasons are explored through the course of this thesis.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The United States and the Pacific Theater in the Second World WarSzabó, József; Venkovits, Balázs; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarAs a result, the purpose of this thesis is to discuss how crucial the participation of the United States in the Second World War was, and its main goal is to elaborate on how its entry changed the outcome of the entire war. Starting from the Battle of Pearl Harbor (after which the U.S. joined the war) and ending the thesis with the discussion of dropping the atomic bombs and the signing of the peace treaties (which ended the First World War). Its narrative will be unfolded through three chapters, giving the reader a relatively detailed picture about the events. The first chapter is an introductory part, which provides insights into the Interbellum Era (or Interwar Period) and the circumstances of the beginning of the Second World War. The second chapter is based around the overview of why and how the United States joined the war (as a result of Pearl Harbor) and the most important battles at the Pacific Theater are introduced, explained with a focus on why they are important regarding the outcome of the war. And this will start the third and closing chapter, which delves into the deployment of atomic bombs, the ending of the Second World War (including the Peace Treaties). Together, these chapters provide a narrative that reflects on how the United States’ entry into the war itself changed the outcome of the war.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Using ChatGPT as a Tool to Acquire the Passive Voice in EnglishBenkő, Tamás Gábor; Tóth, Ágoston; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe main focus of the thesis is whether ChatGPT is capable of helping people learn English passive voice. Lexical Functional Grammar was mentioned and compared to transformational grammar. A survey was conducted, and the results indicated that ChatGPT is helpful for people, and they would rely on its answers. Every prompt in the thesis was generated with the free version of ChatGPT. ChatGPT generated lists, pieces of advice, and corrected mistakes. These are analyzed throughout the thesis.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Society and Nature in The Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013)Hajdú, Bettina; Horváth, Imre; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe Last of Us (Naughty Dog, 2013) video game depicts a world that has undergone an inescapable fatal disease, named the Cordyceps brain infection, that has caused an immense global change, resulting in an apocalyptic dystopia. My thesis explores the various functions nature takes on in the game. Some of these are narrative functions: it propels the emergence of the new post-apocalyptic societies, it has symbolic associations, and it helps develop the character of the protagonists. Nature is also an integral element of the level design and the gameplay: the urban areas infected by Cordyceps are hazardous for the player, while open natural landscapes represent safety. The phenomenon of nature taking back urban spaces and buildings suggests the detrimental effects of environmental degradation and exploitation; however, it also presents an opportunity for Joel and Ellie (the player characters), as well as humanity, to abandon their exploitative lifestyles and remain in balance with nature.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Serial Killers in the Spotlight: A Content Analysis of Biographical DramasBak , Ildikó; Lénárt-Muszka, Zsuzsanna; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe following paper deals with the popularity of the true crime genre, moreover, analyzes how biographical dramas depict serial killers and murderers. For the analysis, the paper uses productions such as Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019), Dahmer-Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (2022), Monster (2003), and the series Love and Death (2023). Biographical dramas can blur the lines between fact and fiction by focusing on the perpetrator’s life and using actors viewers may associate with positive characters. The paper also deals with the ethical questions that surface in the true crime genre, for example, whether these productions are exploitative or not. It also examines how racially or ethnically inclusive the genre is.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Representation of Culture in English Textbooks Used in Kazakhstani SchoolsBerdnichenko, Valeriya; Balogh, Erzsébet; DE--Bölcsészettudományi KarThe purpose of this paper is to critically assess cultural representations in three English Language Teaching textbooks used in Kazakhstan's secondary school curriculum. Using Yuen's model of cultural representation as a theoretical framework, the study will undertake a complete content analysis to evaluate the presence and type of cultural portrayals in these textbooks. This thesis delves into the comparative content analysis of three ELT utilized in the Kazakhstani secondary school curriculum. The study aims to explore the prevalence of representations of cultures within these textbooks and to ascertain which cultural dimensions are more frequently portrayed in each. Specifically, the research seeks to address the following questions: What is the frequency of cultural representations in the three English language coursebooks? According to Yuen’s model, which category of cultural dimension predominates in each textbook? Do the selected textbooks provide a balanced representation of cultures, considering whose cultures are depicted?