Dyslexia and Foreign Language Learning

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This paper focuses on the difficulties of dyslexic students in foreign language learning. In the Literature review chapter the main information about dyslexia is provided like the definition of it, its signs and symptoms, its probable causes, the special difficulties of language learning dyslexic students, learning methods, and the situation of dyslexic students at school. The Study chapter is about case studies about two elementary school students who have learning disorders. This chapter contains the aims of the whole study and some research questions that draw the basic hypotheses on which the study based. Then the methods are enumerated which is followed by the instruments that were used to gather information about the subjects. After the procedures are mentioned the results of the study are explicated. Then in the Discussion section the hypotheses are accepted or rejected on the basis of what have been investigated in the case studies. Lastly, in the Conclusion chapter there is a summary of the study, there are some pedagogical implications, limitations of the research, and suggestions for further research.

dyslexia, foreign language learning