Mary Wollstonecraft's ideas on education in A Vindication of the right of woman

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In my thesis I will try to reach back in time to the end of the eighteenth century. During these decades the French Revolution had a deep impact on Britain and her political thinking. Also, this was an age when British society was changing rapidly and the lives of everyday people had to be adapted to the changes in Britain's new economic system. Education was only one of the many fields where change was necessary. I will examine a text from a British philosofer who stove for women – and in a way showed example to them, too. [...] Mary Wollstonecraft was a writer, a political thinker, a jounalist and a mother and she is considered to be one of the most important feminist pioneers. In many of her works she struggled for the rights of women and their equality, for a more rational and just world, while she remained deeply religious and practical in her thinking.

education, 18th century