Aspects of Love in Emily Dickinson's Poetry

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Emily Dickinson as an iconic figure of American culture and literature. She is remembered as a rebellious iconoclastic woman, a great genius, one of the founders of American poetry. She is often mentioned together with the greatest American poets and writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson or Walt Withman. She is also famous for her “startlingly fresh use of language , unconventional syntax, enigmatic dashes, … her slant rhymes and with her obliqueness of her ‘slant meanings’ (Virágos 240)”. John Pickard declares that “no other nineteenth-century American poet, neither Whitman with his open celebration of sexual attraction nor Poe with his ethereal lines on doomed beauty, ever equaled the intensity of her love lyrics”(93). It is definitely true, that the passion and emotional climaxes she achieves is one of her strengths. I would like to analyze four aspects of Dickinson’s love poetry: the contrasts and pain in her love poems, erotic poems, Master poems, and the transcendental aspects of love.

love, poetry, Emily Dickinson