Study of Animal Welfare Status and Lameness in Dairy Cow Herds in Hungary


Dairy welfare and lameness are hot topics in dairy industry and dairy science nowadays due to economical implications, consumer demands and impact on health. Hypothesis was tested that Hungarian Holstein-Friesian cattle have an acceptable standard of welfare. The second hypothesis tested claimed that advices given to farmers about animal welfare will significantly improve specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-limited welfare measures on Hungarian Holstein-Friesian farms. To carry out this research, 25 Holstein-Friesian farms were conducted in to the study in east and south-east of Hungary. Average welfare measures were not drastically different to those found in literature. Totally, 18 positive and 14 negative measures were discovered after providing farmers with dairy welfare solutions. Estimates found in the study confirm that farmers made compromises choosing between improved cleanliness with better body conditions and ill cattle with injuries. In the lameness part of the study aspects needed immediate actions to be taken were described. Relations between occurrence of lameness, welfare measures and environmental factors were estimated. Relations between number of blocks used by trimmers, welfare measures and environmental factors were studied probably for the first time in any epidemiological studies about lameness in dairy cattle. Correlations between occurrence of lameness and conformation traits were found. Farms were ranked regarding their success with decreasing occurrence of lameness. Professional trimming was found to be more effective in number of different conditions in comparison to on-farm trimming. The total mean estimated reduction in milk yield per 305-d lactation of lame cows in comparison to never lame cows was 372 kg. Experience from the project shows that farmers appreciate a lot help of an independent person sharing the same values for improving wellbeing of their cattle. Results from the study can be used in creating extension platform for popularising welfare issues among dairy farmers.

claw disorders, type, trimming methods, orthopaedic blocks, locomotion, lameness, herd health, genetic correlation, dairy welfare, dairy cattle