Gender Role in Foreign Language Learning

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There is a tendency at secondary schools that the majority of foreign language teachers are females and there is a tendency at universities that the majority of the foreign language learners are females. What can be the cause for this situation? Are female language learners better in foreign language learning than males, and if so, does gender plays a role in foreign language learning? This thesis intends to answer to these questions, and its goal is to prove that gender has no role in foreign language learning, or if it has some, it is not significant. The present research was carried out to gather data and support this argument. For this purpose 50 foreign language learners’ opinions were asked about 12 questions related to gender role of the teacher and the learner in foreign language learning and reading strategies of male and female students. Although the results showed some slight, not significant differences between the answers of males and females, no bid difference was found that can defeat the truth value of the argument, that gender is not a success determining factor in foreign language learning.

foreign language learning, gender