Flower Symbolism in Angela Carter's Novel, The Magic Toyshop

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The novel has the potentiality to induce some interest in the reader’s mind that the notions of the body, identity, gender and sexuality need clarification in a female context. Melanie is the narrator and also the focaliser. She tells a story with the purpose to understand what goes on around her, in her close environment that undergoes a substantial change when the parents die. She is an individual who tries to find her roots, her identity. This position gives a chance for a close observation, to be more precise, because the protagonist keeps telling her own story, it goes through a transformation, so the comprehension of the problematic issues is easier from her point of view. The whole text is about Melanie, her feminine nature, her feminine identity, her self-definition, but a really ambiguous element of this whole process is that this is a self-definition totally determined, created and mediated by the culture in which Melanie lives. This fact immediately raises a question if a true selfdefinition exists at all in the case of women.

symbolism, identity formation, cultural heritage