The English Face of Québec Through Language

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The unique situation of Québec is the main focus of my thesis with its most important laws, languages, ideologies and needs. Ramsay Cook uses the words of Jean-Guy Pilon, a Québec poet, in his book describing the situation of Canada and Québec, which are relevant for my thesis. “Canada is not a country, it’s a continent washed by three oceans where twenty million people live, about one third of them French… In these vast stretches of the Anglo-Saxon West I feel the difference inside me. I am definitely not at home and I realize how true it is to say that Québec is an entity unto itself with its own culture, language, way of life.” “What will become of it?” (Cook 98) – referring to the ambiguity that has always been and still is an issue in this multicultural and bilingual country.

multiculturalism, bilingualism