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The primary aim of my work is to demonstrate how can we interpret one of Vladimir Nabokov’s novels, The Invitation to a Beheading in a new way, through the evolution of Utopia. We cannot define this novel with the notes of the schematic style, as the structure is more the „aesthetic of a novel than a game modelling”1. In my analysis I show that the characteristic features of the genre can be discovered in the novel just like traces of a theatrical scenery. After I have proved that The Invitation to a Beheading can be perceived as a dystopia, in that it leads to conclusions contrary to the author’s intention, I make a list of the novel’s values, which go significantly beyond any ideological inspiration within the theme of dreams, or nightmares. Finally, with the help of the novel I want to show Nabokov’s infinite “text universe”, revealing the very essence of the author’s concept, the collection of “letter icons”.

Nabokov, Meghívás kivégzésre, disztópia