Tebukonazol hatóanyagú (Mystic 250 EC) gombaölő szer és a rézszulfát

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Kötet címe (évfolyam száma)

The aim of this study was to determine the individual and combined toxic effects of Mystic 250 EC fungicide (tebuconazole 250 g/l) and copper sulphate on the development of chicken embryos. The chicken eggs were dipped in the solution or emulsion of the test materials for 30 minutes before starting of incubation. The applied concentration of copper sulphate was 0.01% and of fungicide Mystic 250 EC was 0.1%. The chicken embryos were examined on day 19 by the followings: body mass, rate of embryo mortality, type of developmental anomalies by macroscopic examination. The body mass was evaluated statistically by the oneway ANOVA, the embryo mortality and the developmental anomalies were analysed by Fisher test. Our teratogenicity study revealed that, the individual toxic effect of copper sulphate and tebuconazole containing fungicide formulation (Mystic 250 EC) were embryotoxic but not teratogenic in chicken. The combined administration of Mystic 250 EC and copper sulphate did not increase the embryotoxic effect.

tebukonazol, réz-szulfát, interakció, ökotoxikológia, házityúk-embrió