Teachers’ Attitudes Toward the Opportunities of Writing Focused Technology Assisted English Language Teaching Techniques

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This study examines the attitude of teachers toward technology use in writing skill development. The aim of the research is to collect information on the ages of teachers who use ICT devices for writing skill development to see if age is a factor in the ICT use of teachers. The questionnaire asks the opinions of primary school teachers to see if younger students need ICT use during lessons or not. The study also focuses on the new technologies used by teachers to have results on the most favourable teaching techniques used for writing skill development. The research focuses on the opportunities that technology assisted teaching techniques have too. The advantages and disadvantages of ICT use in English writing skill development are collected in this paper. The study uses a questionnaire for data collection. Forty nine answers were given from ESL teachers to the questionnaire, 14 primary school teachers, 35 secondary school teachers and 1 university teacher. One teacher teaches in a secondary school and in a primary school as well. The results of the questionnaire showed that there are teachers who do not plan technology assisted lessons because they are not good with IT devices, but the questionnaire also showed that if students require ICT use in classes, teachers are willing to learn the management of new technologies. The data collected from primary school teachers shows that there are respondents who do not like to use ICT with younger learners because the spelling of students could be negatively affected by the spellcheckers. The research also concluded that the most favourable technology assisted task used by the respondents is song lyrics translation.

writing, English language teaching, ICT devices, technology in the classroom