Therapeutic Target Achievement of Individualized HbA1c Levels among Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Hungary

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The aim of our study is to measure the therapeutic target achievement of individualized HbA1c levels, blood pressure and LDL-C levels among the Hungarian T2DM adult patients, and to determine the demographic and clinical predictors of target attainment. Overall therapeutic target achievement for individualized HbA1c, blood pressure and LDL-C was 78.3%, 63.1% and 49.4%, respectively. Only 24% were at target for all three measure. Despite the finding of overall good target attainment for each parameter alone, only one in four patients achieved targets for all three parameters to prevent DM complications and improve quality of life. Multifactorial interventions will be necessary to optimize risk factors control.

Therapeutic target achievement, Diabetes mellitus, Individualized HbA1c