Theses (Faculty of Public Health)

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  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Occupational respiratory diseases in Turkey
    Mukhtar, Arailym; Legoza, Jozsef; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Mukhtar, Arailym
    Occupational respiratory diseases , particularly pneumoconiosis are frequently occurring not only in Turkey, but all around the world. Pneumoconiosis is well known for its incurable nature causing lifetime health damage. Prevalence of pneumoconiosis have been increasing over the years in Turkey in certain work settings, despite the preventive actions, and its showing that there is still a long way for Turkey to win against pneumoconiosis and its consequences.
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    Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies: prevalence of COVID-19 and herd immunity in residents of Hadhramaut, Yemen
    Al-Aidroos, Salem; Legoza, József; Debreceni Egyetem; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar
    Cross-sectional population based study in residents of Hadhramaut, Yemen observing seroprevalence of IgG and IgM SARS-CoV-2 antibodies using two different test RDT and ELISA and comparing the different Socio-demographic factors in the study.Also, we measured the Validity of the RDT testing using ELISA as a Reference point
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    Attitudes towards femtech among women of reproductive age in South Africa: A non-representative research
    Mudamburi, Tinotenda Zinzile; Döbrössy, Bence; Institute of Behavioural Science; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Mudamburi, Tinotenda Zinzile; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar
    Digital health is a fast-growing concept in the healthcare sector, and one of the main branches of digital health is Femtech, which is a term used to categorize health technology geared towards women’s health. Although Femtech is predicted to grow exponentially in the coming years, many women have different opinions about the effectiveness, accuracy, and potential privacy violations that Femtech platforms may impose. The aim of this study is to analyse the attitudes women of reproductive age in South Africa have towards female digital health platforms.
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    The impact of covid-19 on diabetes control via self-management in Syria
    Hasan, Farah; Csaba, Nagy; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Általános Orvostudományi Kar
    The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on a variety of behaviors that may interfere with diabetes self-care, including dietary control, physical exercise, and adherence to medical therapy, Which may lead to poor diabetic self-care adherence.In this study, the effect of COVID-19 on the behaviors of diabetics patients in Syria was examined. DSMQ was utilized to evaluate the participants' practices that are related to their diabetes care. According to the results of this research, (53.92%) of the participants reported adequate self-control of their diabetes regardless of the type of diabetes. However, no statistically proven differences were found in the self-care activities between different groups of diabetics.Additionally, there was no significant relationship found between COVID-19 occurrence and the commitment to self-management practices based on the study's findings.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    The Effect of Physical Activity on the Cardiovascular Health of Young Adults
    Aleru, Progress Homa; Lukács, Balázs; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar::Fizioterápiás Tanszék; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Csepregi, Éva; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar::Fizioterápiás Tanszék
    A study examined the impact of physical activity on young adults' cardiovascular health. The study's participants were University of Debrecen undergraduates who were randomly assigned to a control or intervention group of 14 members each. The intervention lasted 8 weeks. Vital parameters were recorded before and after the intervention period. The study provided data to support our hypothesis that young adults doing habitual physical activity had beneficial effects on cardiovascular health in general and over the given time period. The control group was essential in order to verify the integrity of the results in this study.The intervention group showed a general improvement and a positive outcome that gives this study the possibility to be considered effective based on the data gathered.
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    impact and role of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Hungarian and Nigerian adolescent and university student
    Maikudi, Aisha; Dorbossy, Bence; institute of behavioral science; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar
    my thesis aims to research the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of university students and adolescents through a systematic literature review. the focus will be on Hungarian and Nigerians to see how environmental factors also had an impact.
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    “Challenges and stress related to the medical system among healthcare workers in KINSHASA (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO)”.
    Ukeci Mungunuti, Alphonsine; Tatai, Csilla; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Ukeci Mungunuti, Alphonsine; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar
    The health system in the DRC (Kinshasa) is at the end of its rope, the means of access to medical care is a daily challenge for the inhabitants of the city of Kinshasa. The majority of the population works in the informal sectors and therefore has no social protection.This is a challenge for healthcare workers who are faced with daily stress and anxiety
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Medicalization and its Social-Cultural Context
    Lesso, Tano; Banfalvi, Attila; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar
    In this study, I discussed the effects of medicalization on our society and culture. How it affects both men and women differently. I also discussed several subtopics under medicalization. As well as the advantages and disadvantages of medicalization.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Eccentric Training vs Stretching in Improving Flexibility of the Hip Joint in Young Adults
    Hinde, Sinead Ann; Bodea, Cornel; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Lukacs, Balazs
    Muscular flexibility has long been recognized as an important component of physical fitness, a fundamental component of basic human function, and is essential for good health as well as helpful in improving athletic and overall performance. The primary aim of this thesis was to compare the effects of stretching vs eccentric strengthening in improving the flexibility of the hip joint. There were 24 volunteers who took part in this study from the university of Debrecen, and they were evenly split into two groups, an eccentric training group and a stretching group. The intervention took place over a period of 6-weeks. Measurements were taken before and after the intervention period. According to the findings, there is evidence that both stretching and eccentric training can improve the AROM of the hip in certain planes of motion. However, the active stretching group produced greater significant improvements.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Assessment of ratio of postural problems and spinal mobility in young college students
    Abdullah, Abdullah; Csepregi, Eva; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Farkas, Dora; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar
    In this 21st century, we are really adapted in sedentary life style. We always try to find easy access to do the daily life activities and this thing made us lazy and more prone to different kind of musculoskeletal problems. The examined students were from different fields like physiotherapy and non-physiotherapy fields. It was hypothesized that physiotherapy group must be fit and healthy more than non-physiotherapy group because they are aware of pros and cons of spinal protection rule. Different kind of tests were performed on students of physiotherapy and non-physiotherapy groups like Schober I-II tests were conducted to find out the spinal mobility and a lot of other tests like Delmas Index, occiput to wall test, fingertip to floor test, lateral flexion test Lennie test, sphinx test, cobra test, Ganselen and Nachlas tests were also performed on each student to know if they have any postural problem and pain. The final result of our study was so interesting because when we did the comparison between physiotherapist group and non-physiotherapist group, it came to know that students in non-physiotherapist group were more fit, healthy and flexible than students of physiotherapist group.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Effects of eccentric exercises and static stretching in improving core muscle function in young adults
    Coskun, Cagla; Cshuai, Éva Anett; Cshuai, Éva Anett; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Csuhai, Éva Anett
    Effects of eccentric exercises and static stretching in improving core muscle function in young adults
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Assessment of upper body posture among 4th and 5th year dentistry students
    Agheli, Sanaz; Cornel, Bodea; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar
    The link between a sedentary lifestyle and musculoskeletal problems is still controversial. Dentistry students due to the nature of their activities in a non- mobile position are more prone to MSD, muscular imbalances and postural difficulties. The purpose of this study was to assess the posture of the dental 4th and 5th year students before and after the 6 weeks of intervention and evaluate the difference and figure out how effective the program has been. The target participants were 20 dentistry students of the university of Debrecen, among them 10 (4 females, 6 males) from 4th year and 10 (6 females, 4 males) 5th year students.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Aspects of physiotherapy at boys with DMD
    Iemma, Rocco; Bodea, Cornel; Children's rehabilitation centre; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disease, which affects boys more often than girls. It is a life-threatening and incurable disease. Physiotherapy is important to keep these patients in a good condition and to maintain the activities of daily living. The study focuses on preserving or improving the muscle strength in boys with DMD through exercises.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Effectiveness of Spinal Mobility Training on the Spine Flexibility of Young Adults
    Mohammad Aminullah, Nurain Binti; Bodea, Cornel; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Bodea, Cornel; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar
    The purpose of the study is to see the efficacy of spinal mobility in improving the flexibility of spine muscles specifically on movement in the thoracic and lumbar region for the young adults. 20 students were involved in which further divided into 2 groups which were identify as control (n=10) and intervention (n=10). The intervention group was given an 8-week training program which mainly focuses on strengthening and stretching the muscles of spine. Students also need to complete a questionnaire that was related to their lifestyles, health status and physical activity. After 8 week, all the subjects were measured to assess the flexibility of spine and if there is any significant changes in the results of before and after training. It was shown that the control group does not improve significantly but the intervention group was having a significant improvement in their results.
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    The effect of massage technique on patients with peripheral facial palsy
    Biondi, Sara; Varga, Eszter; Neurology Department; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Olah, Katalin
    The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effectiveness of massage technique on patients with peripheral facial palsy. Reasons of the paralysis are unknown. The symptoms cause weakness of facial muscles involved in expressions, loss of taste, increase hearing sensitivity, headache, tearing and drooling. In this study twenty patients were equally divided in control and target group. Sunnybrook facial grading system was utilized to assess facial nerve functions. The interventional group received electrotherapy, active exercises and lymph drainage massage; the control one was treated only with physical therapy as well as dynamic exercises. The reported results showed a better improvement of the target group, highlighting the beneficial effect of the massage.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    To retrospectively investigate Safety and Efficacy of Nusinersen in a large cohort of adult Hungarian patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).
    Lamprakis, Nikolaos; Varga, Eszter; Neurology Physiotherapy Department Augusta.; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar
    Research for Safety and Efficacy for a new drug treatment (Nusinersen) for adult patients with SMA. six patients were participate, each one of them got five injections in total so far; in every meeting their muuscular status was evaluated through RULM tests and Hammersmith tests. Data were evaluated from the first injection and the fifth one. There is a significance difference on before and after results. Overall the treatment therapy is safe and positive for the patients.
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    Stretching exercises to increase ROM in the lower extremity and reduce pain during active stretching of the knee
    Liemant Bizineanu, Miekas; Lábiscsák-Erdélyi, Zsuzsa; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Lábiscsák-Erdélyi, Zsuzsa
    Stretching exercises to increase ROM in the lower extremity and reduce pain during active stretching of the knee.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Knee stability, Pain, and it's range of motion assessment in University Student
    Sheikh, Muneeba; Cornel, Bodea; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Lukács, Balázs; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar
    As the students face knee problems due to bad posture and work all day long. Therefore, the aim is to assess the knee stability, pain, and its range of motion in university students. After collecting all the data, carefully analyzing each and every fact and information, I have reached the conclusion that there is clear evidence supporting the hypothesis that knee training can help to strengthen, improve range of motion, and help to stretch the muscles of the knee. The potential of students was also improved and after the intervention they were able to go beyond their potential.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Assessing mental wellbeing of medical students
    Zhakshybaeva, Aigerim; Sárváry, Attila; Debreceni Egyetem::Egészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Bíró, Éva; Veres-Balajti, Ilona
    Metal health problem among medical students is becoming a global phenomenon. This study aimed to evaluate the mental status among students of Kyrgyz State medical academy and find out the differences in the matter of various demographic and social variables. It is a cross-sectional descriptive study. Results showed a high prevalence of burnout and mental distress in Kyrgyz students.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Health assessment for internal and external Syrian population after 10 years of war in Syria: a Literature Review
    Alhaffar, MHD Bahaa Aldin; Janos, Sandor; Debreceni Egyetem::Népegészségügyi Kar; DE--Népegészségügyi Kar; Nagy, Attila; Racz, Gabor
    This article draws an overview about how the Syrian war-affected health sector for Syrian population inside and outside Syria after ten years of war which makes it an important reference for future researchers to get the main highlight of the health sector during the Syrian crisis. the current health status of the Syrian population living inside Syria was reviewed, and also, the health status of the Syrian refugees was examined according to each host country. Public health indicators were used to summarize and categorize the information