An Overview of Java Enterprise Edition

dc.contributor.advisorAdamkó, Attila
dc.contributor.authorAmaziro, Samuel Izuchi
dc.contributor.departmentDE--Informatikai Karhu_HU
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of what an enterprise application is what it entails and how to develop such an enterprise application using Java EE. I started out in chapter 1 with an introduction, about the motivation for my chosen field of study and why I decided to talk about this topic. The notion of an enterprise application sometimes tend to make some people feel exhausted due to the complexities involved and as such, some people see it as rocket science. In chapter 2 we saw that although an enterprise application is a complex and business critical application; they are very beneficial in today’s highly networked world. The Java EE platform provides a set of API that allows the development of such rich enterprise application as described earlier. The Java EE platform does not only provide these API’s but also reduces the complexities involved in developing an enterprise application. Still in chapter 2; we also talked about an important feature of the Java EE platform namely dependency injection, which makes it possible to change hard-coded dependencies and also as a way of supplying external dependency to an application. Finally we talked about the components of a distributed multi-tiered application. The description of the project in chapter 3 emphasized approaches taken during the development of the project. No specific framework was used during the development of the application rather certain architectural pattern was used. In chapter 4 I described the tools and techniques used for the modeling of the project. I must say that these tools and techniques simplified the development process and showed at an earlier stage, relationships between the different parts of the system and thus allowing me to make proper decisions on where and how to develop the parts of the system. Chapter 5 addressed the issues concerning data, such as where will data be stored, how can it be accessed, how can the integrity be preserved, how should it be accessed, how can it be managed and more. We discussed what JPA is? and how we used it to address the above data concerns. In chapter 6 we described a design pattern as a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem. We also discussed about architectural patterns and how we used the Model-View-Controller (MVC) as our architectural pattern of choice as an aid for a clean structural organization of our project in an attempt to provide independence. Finally in chapter 7 we described how deployment related activities can be done after development of a Java EE application; packaging methods, techniques and formats. We also talked about deployment descriptors, how they can aid during deployment even though they are optional. Types of deployment descriptors showed us how we could use these descriptors effectively during packaging and deployment. In this thesis, I have tried to take you through a journey which showed us the paths to take when we need to employ the rich features of an enterprise application. The concepts I have described in this book, can be considered as being describe at a high-level so as to make clear ambiguous concepts.hu_HU
dc.description.courseSoftware Information Technologyhu_HU
dc.subjectJava EEhu_HU
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Informatika::Információtechnológiahu_HU
dc.titleAn Overview of Java Enterprise Editionhu_HU