Kiállítható-e a háború?

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This paper deals with various methods of presentation museums apply in order to make their visitors experience war. In theory, what they attempt is impossible, partly because exhibited objects become aestheticized as objects to be looked at, and partly because museums tend to stage entertaining and true-to-life exhibitions. Weapons are the most important objects displayed at war exhibitions. However, the question is whether they should be displayed after cleaning or with all traces of use. Furthermore, it is also worth considering whether or not everyday objects can tell visitors more about the need and suffering people went through. Reconstructed scenes, which aim to give visitors a nearly first-hand experience of war, are very popular. Its critics, however, argue that wars are not action movies, neither are museums adventure parks. Photographs play a special role in the exhibitions as exhibits and instruments of installation. Works of art are also significant, because they are capable of exerting a powerful influence. Finally, there are exhibitions which refrain from attractive, experience-centred presentation and display the exhibits in the simplest possible way instead, prompting visitors to create their own interpretations.

This paper deals with various methods of presentation museums apply in order to make their visitors experience war. In theory, what they attempt is impossible, partly because exhibited objects become aestheticized as objects to be looked at, and partly because museums tend to stage entertaining and true-to-life exhibitions. Weapons are the most important objects displayed at war exhibitions. However, the question is whether they should be displayed after cleaning or with all traces of use. Furthermore, it is also worth considering whether or not everyday objects can tell visitors more about the need and suffering people went through. Reconstructed scenes, which aim to give visitors a nearly first-hand experience of war, are very popular. Its critics, however, argue that wars are not action movies, neither are museums adventure parks. Photographs play a special role in the exhibitions as exhibits and instruments of installation. Works of art are also significant, because they are capable of exerting a powerful influence. Finally, there are exhibitions which refrain from attractive, experience-centred presentation and display the exhibits in the simplest possible way instead, prompting visitors to create their own interpretations.

Studia Litteraria, Évf. 54 szám 3-4 (2015): Az első világháború emlékezete , 181–200.