The economic importance of water in the agricultural sector of the Arab region: case study of water footprint in Egypt

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This structure of the thesis was chosen since the research, in general, discusses water management, water efficiency, and agricultural practices, which is a complex and rather broad topic. To make use of numerous concepts provided in the realm of water and agriculture, the thesis was organized into five chapters. Furthermore, different research methods were applied for each segment to better explain the results. This dissertation employs fifth chapters: In the first chapter of the dissertation, the general literature was reviewed regarding the water footprint, the concept of virtual water, the state of renewable water and food security in Egypt. Additionally, through the hydro-analysis of the reality of the Arab region - known as drought and the lack of available water resources - to reach the concept of sustainability, especially in the agricultural sector, which is what was discussed in the second part of the literature.In the second chapter of the research, the water situation was assessed by applying the principle of virtual water and the concept of the water footprint of some selected crops in the agricultural sector, and the case study of Egypt. The third chapter of the thesis was utilized by calculating the internal water footprint for three critical crops in Egypt and determining whether there is an effect of temperature, precipitation, crop productivity, and renewable water resources on crop production throughout the study period. In the fourth chapter, the food-gap in Egypt has been optimized due to the possibility of reaching the desired food security for some crops and their water consumption. Finally, in the fifth chapter, the impact of water policy on economic development in Egypt for three sectors and its impact on GDP was evaluated

footprint, sustainable agriculture, water consumption