The Great Depression of the 1930s and the Ways of Solving It

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In my thesis, I explore the roots of the Great Depression that began in 1929 and two ways of solving it. Firstly, I explain how the stock market crash was only the triggering event of the depression and not the sole cause of it by examining other major contributors to the outbreak of the crisis. After that, I explore how Adolf Hitler acquired power and built a totalitarian state with the help of the Great Depression, and then I talk about how he solidified his power by solving it. In the next chapter, I analyze how the United States handled the Great Depression during the presidencies of Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, how the New Deals stopped the worsening of the crisis, and how they solved it. To conclude my thesis, I explain the crucial similarities and differences between the two ways of solving the problem. The goal of my thesis is to give the reader an accurate image of how the Great Depression shaped the course of history.

Great Depression, Hitler, New Deal, Roosevelt, Hoover