Connection between vegetation type and the distribution of European ground squirrels Spermophilus Citellus in a protected site near Debrecen

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The European ground squirrel is an endangered species of rodent in Europe. The area of the study in Tócó valley manages to highlighted various key importance towards the survival of the species. The result of the study recorded 234 observations of the European ground squirrel hole. Of the various vegetation type that can be found in the study, the European ground squirrel can be found in at least three vegetation type. The vegetation type are Closed steppes on loess (H5a), Mesotrophic wet meadows (D34), and Uncharacteristic mesic grasslands (OB). H5a manage to encompass 85.8% of all the holes observed during the study. This study proves that the European ground squirrels prefers nutrient rich healthy vegetation type and are a capable adaptable species. This study aim to provide beneficial data on the European ground squirrel situation for Hungary at least for the Tócó valley area.

ground squirrel, vegetation, distribution, habitat