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  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Production of nanoparticles supplemented nanofiber
    Bayarmagnai, Anar; Prokisch, József; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    The idea of this work given by my supervisor Dr. Prokisch Jozsef, as he is well experienced and done many types of scientific works including nanofibers for the recent years. Aim of our work was to produce nanofibers successfully and determine size then compare it for proving how slender their structure is. While making different types of polymer solutions, there were times that we made a very poor viscos solution which affects final product of nanofiber. We solved this problem with my help supervisor. As a food engineering student, producing nanofibers, making polymer solutions was very new experience for me and made me realize that it is also important to know the techniques for scientific works. During our process, I got motivated by my supervisor and PhD students by witnessing their hard work and a great deal of knowledge moreover, in the future I believe I can get more experienced in this field. Nanofiber is significant field that can find new breakthroughs in multidisciplinary research. Nanofibers have the potential to make significant advances across a wide range of industries in the future. I am grateful and want to thank my supervisor Dr. Prokisch Jozsef for helping me to work on this research and guiding me during whole time.
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    Exploring caffeine's impact and source analysis using HPLC
    Ekiran-Adebayo, Oluwaseyi; Aron, Beni; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    This research explored the effects of caffeine on human physiology and examined its many origins via the use of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The content of caffeine in various samples were precisely determined using HPLC. The findings revealed large variations in the caffeine composition across different product. The physiological impacts of caffeine was spoken about as well as caffeine alternatives and much more .The research showed which the samples had the highest caffeine, as seen by the HPLC analysis. The study offers significant knowledge on the origins of caffeine and its possible impacts on the human body.
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    Fortification of Bavarian sausages with Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) seeds and peel
    Seesregdorj, Avidmaa; Mathe, Endre; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Sea buckthorn is a remarkable plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine. Due to itsexceptional chemical composition containing a range of vitamins, fatty acids, and polyphenols, this fruit improves overall health, provides antioxidant properties, and demonstrates anticancer effects. Although fruit oil and juice are commonly used, the seed and skin are often overlooked. Therefore, these parts of sea buckthorn could potentially be utilized as an active ingredient for the fortification of meat products as an organic additive with few health risks. By implementing it into Bavarian sausages, the nutritional value could was increased specifically dietary fiber content, while providing additional antioxidant effects.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Understanding the physiology and consequences of negative energy balance in ewes
    Al-sallami, Ali Salah Wadday; Knop, Renáta; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    In my research, I evaluated the impact of Negative Energy Balance in late pregnant and lactating ewes. Body Condition Score , β-Hydroxybutyrate , Non-Esterified Fatty Acids , and glucose emerged as pivotal indicators of Negative Energy Balance and related disorders like ketosis and pregnancy toxemia. Notably, different breeds displayed varied susceptibilities, underscoring the need for breed-specific care. Regular monitoring of these markers can significantly reduce the risks during gestation and lactation. My findings offer a practical approach to manage and preventNEB and NEB-related complications like ketosis and pregnancy toxemia in sheep.
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    Útifű maghéjjal és vörös szőlőmagliszttel dúsított cukrászipari termékfejlesztés
    Farkas, Eliza; Máthé, Endre; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Diplomadolgozatom elején a cukrászipar történetét, fejlődését mutattam be. Ismertettem a cukrászipari termékek táplálkozás-élettani jelentőségét . Prezentáltam a muffinokat általánosságban és receptet is hoztam érdekességként. A másik fő témája a szakdolgozatomnak a vörös szőlőmagliszt és az útifű maghéj. Célom az volt, hogy egy új terméket fejlesszek ki ezekkel a termékekkel dúsítva, mely egy jobb és egészségesebb termék legyen az eredetihez képest.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Development of new recipes for traditional Montenegrin food, Priganice
    Marković, Filip; Sipos, Péter; Fekete, István; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    In this thesis, an examination of the traditional Balkan snack, "Priganice," was conducted, with a focus on variations in its preparation and their impact on texture. . Priganice are traditionally made from white wheat flour, yeast, water, and a small amount of salt and sugar. After preparing the dough, it is allowed to rest for at least an hour before being fried in oil. The aim of this study was to explore and analyze different variations of Priganice, incorporating elements like wholegrain flour, freezing the dough, and baking with hot steam. These variations were tested and compared to traditional Priganice to examine their texture, specifically focusing on hardness and springiness. The research sought to understand how these variations in ingredients and preparation methods affected the sensory qualities of the final product
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Deriving Anti-Inflammatory Properties from Saffron, Crocus Sativus
    Marji, Natalie; Máthé, Endre; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Saffron has attracted considerable interest in the fields of botany, cosmetics, medicine, food, and a wide range of other applications. It has attracted a lot of research projects aimed at assessing its potential influence on the medical field, especially in light of its putative anti-inflammatory properties. The findings from this study support the presence of significant phytonutrient content and remarkable quantities of flavonoids and polyphenols, which offer strong support for their potential health benefits. These results lend credence to the investigation of its application to human use after careful testing and safety evaluations. My laboratory work included a number of tests meant to gauge Crocus sativus's phytonutrient content. UHPLC-ESI-MS was used to study the Gemmotherapy Extracts (GTEs), which contained components such crocetin, crocin (Crocin 1), crocin 2, and crocin 3 with retention times of 40.90, 34.79, 30-35 minutes respectively. Additionally, Crocus sativa's polyphenol content was evaluated using a spectrophotometer and a gallic acid standard, yielding an estimated 85.74 gallic acid equivalents per 100 grams of the sample. The extract was then subjected to a flavonoid analysis using a spectrophotometer and the catechin standard, yielding a result of 37.93 mg of catechin equivalents per 100 grams of the sample. These measurements were methodically compared to pertinent information discovered from the examination of the plant sage. However, it is essential to acknowledge that this domain necessitates further research. Although we can conclude that observed phytonutrient content demonstrates potential for practical use in adverse environmental conditions, further investigations on higher-level organisms, such as Drosophila Melanogaster cell lines (S2 cells) and Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit flies), are currently being pursued by my colleagues. These initiatives seek to provide further information about the qualities of saffron and its possible applications beyond the initial results.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Homoki nőszirom (Iris arenaria Waldst. et Kit.) telepítésének folyamata rákosi vipera élőhelyrekonstrukció során
    Kriston-Kőműves, Nóra; Kovács, Szilvia; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    A Kiskunsági Nemzeti Parkban található Bócsa-bugaci homokpuszta kiemelt jelentőségű természetmegőrzési területen 20 ha pannon homoki gyep rekonstruálása zajlik a rákosi vipera védelmi LIFE projekt keretében. Számos, a területre jellemző védett növény kerül betelepítésre, köztük a homoki nőszirom is. A beavatkozási terület egy korábban erdei fenyővel és fehér akáccal erdősített terület, ahol az erdő gyeppé alakítása során számos, a környező gyepekre jellemző növényfaj telepítése zajlik, köztük a védett homoki nősziromé is. A homoki nőszirom (Iris arenaria) a Kárpát-medence endemikus növényfaja, föld feletti hajtásrésze 5-20 cm, lepeltakarója sárga, tőlevelei keskenyek, kard alakúak, a gyöktörzs vékony, sekélyen kúszik a talajfelszín alatt. Sarjtelepeket alkot, vagyis vegetatív úton úgy szaporodik, hogy a régi és új egyedek összeköttetésben maradnak a gyöktörzsökön keresztül. Virágzása április-májusban jellemző, levelei tavasztól őszig figyelhetőek meg. Célunk megvizsgálni a szaporítóanyag begyűjtésének hatását a forráspopulációkban a gyűjtési pontokon, továbbá azonosítani a rekonstrukciós terület azon részterületeit, amelyek leginkább alkalmasak a homoki nőszirom számára, talajtani és domborzati tényezők vizsgálatával. Szaporítóanyagként természetes populációkból származó rameteket használtunk. A gyűjtés zárt homoki sztyeprétekről és nyílt homokpusztagyepekről történt. A begyűjtött rameteket ex situ módon kertészeti körülmények között kerültek felszaporításra. A forráspopulációk vizsgálatát 2022 tavaszán és őszén végeztünk, mindkét esetben a gyűjtéssel érintett és kontroll egyedek hajtásszámát használva indikátornak. Talajmintákat vettünk a forráspopulációk termőhelyéről és a rekonstrukció területéről. A mintákból a nedvességtartalom, az Arany-féle kötöttség, a vezetőképesség, a pH, a nitrát-, a humusz-, a mész-, a szódatartalom, és a szemcseméret-összetétel meghatározását végeztük el, majd összehasonlítást végeztünk. A domborzati tényezők alapján élőhelyalkalmassági modellt alkalmaztunk a homoki nőszirom Duna-Tisza közi állományaira, majd segítségével értékeltük a rekonstrukciós területet. Eredmények: A gyűjtés nem váltott ki szignifikáns változást a hajtásképzésben. A rekonstrukciós terület egésze kiemelkedően alkalmas a faj befogadására mind a talajtani vizsgálatok mind az élőhelyalkalmassági modell eredményei szerint.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Food Consumption Habit and Socio-demographic and Macroeconomic Factors Behind it in Bangladesh
    Islam, Mohammad Muhaiminul; Mihály, Dombi; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    The analysis of Bangladeshi food consumption patterns offers significant information on nutrition and public health. Notably, 63% of respondents were not familiar with the WHO dietary standards, indicating a significant lack of nutritional knowledge. Financial circumstances have a major role in eating habits; choices about food are influenced by factors including geography, employment status, and education. Diverse eating habits across age groups highlight the need for focused nutritional education, especially for the younger population. The research findings indicate an apparent excessive consumption of carbs, frequently exceeding suggested intake limits, when combined with inadequate protein intake. This gives rise to concerns about obesity and associated health problems. Bangladesh needs targeted initiatives and broad nutritional education to solve these issues. Finally, public health regulations and educational programs must address socioeconomic inequities, bridge knowledge gaps, and encourage people to adopt healthy diets that align with worldwide nutritional standards.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Investigation of different digestion methods for the analysis of element content in lactose-free cow milk by ICP-OES
    Enkhkhuyag, Bilguun; Kovács, Béla; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    The preparation of samples is a pivotal step in the analytical process, exclusively when analyzing trace elements. By the case that certain elements are present in extremely low concentrations, posing a significant challenge in their detection. Consequently, wet acid digestion is widely recognized as the most appropriate method for preparing liquid samples. The elemental concentration of 26 trace elements has been studied for a lactose-free, high-fat milk sample, which was produced in Hungary. However, 19 elements were examined in detail.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Exploring of Sous Vide Technology with Determination of C/N Content of Different Mushrooms and Public Survey
    Ali, Kashif; Beni, Aron; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Main part of my thesis topic is to investigate the C/N content of different mushrooms (Oyster mushroom, Brown champion mushroom and White champion mushroom). As members of the fungi kingdom, mushrooms are renowned for their distinctive nutritional profile. Depending on the species and growth conditions, they can have varied degrees of both carbon and nitrogen richness.It also include survey about awareness of Sous Vide Cooking method in public, which show how public is willing to adapt this new method.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Comparison of the plant sap nitrate of organic and fertilized vegetables
    Bader, Rama; Erdeiné Kremper, Rita; Béni, Áron; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Nitrate is essential in many natural processes, including plant development. It is crucial in nature; however, it is also critical for human health and nutrition, from its presence in foods such as leafy greens and root vegetables which can serve as notable sources containing high nitrate levels thus if consumed excessively it can lead to possible health consequences. Due to the differences in metabolic capacity, the daily nitrate consumption guidelines for adults and newborns differ. Furthermore, infants that consume an overabundance of nitrate, particularly from drinking water or baby foods, are at risk of experiencing methemoglobinemia, a condition referred to as "blue baby syndrome." This occurs when nitrate interferes with the blood's capacity to carry oxygen, resulting in a diminished delivery of oxygen to essential organs. Symptoms involve bluish skin coloring, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, and in extreme instances, death.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Elemental analysis of commercial yogurts by ICP-OES
    Huynh Huu, Hau; Czipa, Nikolett; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Currently, there has been a continued increase in the manufacturing of fermented dairy products, particularly yogurt. Additionally, the occurrence of elements in yogurt is a significant concern, especially considering the demanding quality nutritional standards that are expected. The physicochemical properties of commercially available yogurts are inadequate data despite of the popularity of yogurt as a functional food with health benefits. Therefore, this study evaluated the macro-elements (Calcium (Ca), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Phosphorus (P), Sulfur (S)), micro-elements (Aluminum (Al), Barium (Ba), Copper (Cu), Boron (B), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn) and Strontium (Sr)), and toxic elements (Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd)) collected from Debrecen (Hungary) groceries. In addition, this study collected 19 yogurt samples which consists of 5 natural yogurts, 8 peach-flavor yogurts and 6 strawberry-flavor yogurts. Three categories are commonly commercial yogurt which were sold in Debrecen city. The study utilized inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) as an analytical technique. In the result, regarding to determination of macro-elements and micro-elements, two macro elements including Boron (B) and Barium (Ba) were determined to have values which were below the limit of Detection (LoD = 0.10 mg/kg). In addition, most of the yogurt samples were below the maximum limit of European regulation for yogurt products. In specific cases, Peach 5 had the highest content of copper and manganese exceeded the maximum limits for the product. In phosphorus analysis, only the samples of Peach 2 and Strawberry 2 were found to be below the maximum limit of the European regulations. Furthermore, all yogurt samples complied on the daily recommendation intake of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which means they may not cause health risks in normal dietary consumption. Moreover, in terms of evaluation of toxin element in yogurt, the value of Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd) were found under the Limit of Detection (LoD = 0.10 mg/kg) of the ICP-OES used in this study. It means that the results partly reflected the contents of these 3 toxic elements were significantly low in yogurt samples. However, further measurements are needed to determine specific data that an objective and reliable assessment can be made. Overall, the results suggest that the yogurt samples analyzed in this study are generally safe for consumption. The consumption of yogurt in regular and combination of various types of food could provide adequate nutrient intake for body.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Effectiveness of preharvest and post- harvest chitosan treatment on sour cherry
    Ramdas, Gina Njoki; Karaffa, Erzsébet Mónika; Mihály, Kata; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    In summary, the study suggests that preharvest chitosan treatment with a concentration of 1% combined with MAP storage can significantly improve the key quality parameters of sour cherries. The results of this research demonstrate that chitosan could be used in the food industry as a natural and sustainable alternative to conventional chemical preservatives and fungicides. In addition, this study could potentially have practical implications for the cherry industry and contribute to the development of more effective postharvest treatments for sour cherries. Furthermore, the use of chitosan as a natural alternative to chemical pesticides could have a beneficial impact on the food chain, making it safer and more sustainable for all.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Optimization of bean flour extraction and use in cookie production
    Selmi, Delia; Sipos, Péter; Neji, Chaima; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    The present work aimed to optimize the extraction condition of protein from different varieties of bean flour and use it in cookie production. The Hopehely bean, with a protein content of 22.58%, was chosen as a preliminary work. With this in mind, we used the Response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize the extraction procedure. The results showed that the pH precipitation and their interaction with pH extraction, and extraction temperature significantly influenced the protein yield. However, the protein purity was not affected by these parameters. The recommended technique for increasing extraction yield and purity is to use wet extraction starting with defatting the bean flour, followed by combined techniques. To mitigate the effects of foaming on protein yield, various techniques such as using anti-foaming agents, adjusting the pH and temperature of the system, and optimizing extraction conditions can be employed. The sensory analysis revealed that cookies produced with bean flour, sorghum flour, and fortified with two types of protein had good organoleptic quality, but cookies made exclusively of bean flour scored poorly in all organoleptic criteria.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the selected essential oils on adult Western Corn Rootworm (Diabritica virgifera virgifera Leconte)
    Joachim, Flaviana Marcel; Tarcali, Gábor; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte has been the devastating pest of maize in Europe and North America. Different methods have been suggested to combat it. Due to shortcomings of most applied methods, in this study essential oils ROSE (Rosa rubiginosa), TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia), LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia), PEPPERMINT (Mentha × piperita) were selected as bio-pesticides to fight against WCR. KARATE ZEON pesticide was used as a standard insecticide. Complete Randomized Block Design with three replications was used. Due to weather conditions (drought), the emergence and flight of WCR were affected and the number of them present did not cause observable damage in the control experiment. Therefore, the experiment ended with negative results. Peppermint essential oil was the most effective among others with a mean silk length of 4.4cm.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Creating a Web-Geodatabase for precision agriculture in Nyírbátor, Hungary
    Chowdhury, Mohammad Mahmudul Hasan; Nagy, Attila; Fehér, Zsolt Zoltán; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    This thesis focuses on the creation of a web geodatabase for precision agriculture in Nyírbátor, Hungary, utilizing geostatistical analyses. The study begins with an introduction outlining the objectives and significance of the research, followed by a comprehensive literature review covering various GIS-related topics. The materials and methods section describes the study area, workflow, and algorithms employed, with the web geodatabase created using GeoNode. The results and discussion section presents the user interface and functionalities of different sections, including Home, About, Data, Maps, GeoStories, and Dashboards. The conclusion highlights the limitations of the study, such as the lack of sufficient literature sources, unorganized data sets, and resource constraints. Despite these challenges, this thesis contributes to the field of precision agriculture by developing a web geodatabase that holds potential for future research and analysis. Overall, the study demonstrates the value of utilizing web geodatabases in precision agriculture and offers a framework for future investigations in this area.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Development of a hazard monitoring system for aquaculture: case of study - catfish farming
    Moutia, Imane; Pusztahelyi, Tünde; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    This thesis aims to develop a hazard monitoring system based on identifying potential food hazard sources in the catfish farming process. In this case study, the artificial propagation of Heteroclarias catfish hybrids is considered the final product. Considering a fictive small-scale hatching unit, within this research, biological, chemical, and physical food safety hazards are identified, in addition to a monitoring plan HACCP based is developed to prevent, eliminate, or reduce the risk to an acceptable level at the identified critical steps in the catfish farming process. Considering the early stages of fish production, hatching, frying and raring the most vulnerable stages of the catfish production cycle, therefore, these early stages require a detailed hazard identification and a hazard monitoring program allowing to produce a safe final product for the consumer and less hazard exposure for the rest of the farming stages.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Site-specific biological control against the chestnut blight fungus (Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr)
    Cheradil, Andrea Elizabeth Babu Dominic; Radócz, László; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    Field investigation in a chestnut plantation at Nagykanizsa county confirmed the presence of chestnut blight disease. Samples obtained from the infected trees exhibiting symptoms of chestnut blight were subjected to laboratory investigation. A total of 17 C. parasitica strains were isolated and a total of 3 vc type were identified after vegetative compatibility tests. The isolates were also tested using EU testers, and it was determined that NF4 (and its subgroup) belongs to EU3, NF6V (and its subgroup) belongs to EU12, and NF7 (and its subgroup) belongs to EU20 vc type. Apple virulence assay was conducted to observe the induction of cankers and oxalate production to identify the pathogenicity of the virulent and hypovirulent strains. It was expected that the hypovirulent and the converted strains would not induce prevalent necrosis on the artificial wound because of the lack of oxalic production. The virulent strains produced prominent necrosis on the fruit. The results of the virulence test confirmed that hypovirulence was indeed present indicated by the inability of the hypovirulent and converted to induce necrosis on the fruits. Finally, dsRNA was isolated by molecular analysis of the mycelium of the hypovirulent strains confirming the presence of the hypovirus responsible for hypovirulence in chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica.
  • TételKorlátozottan hozzáférhető
    Freezing of fruits and vegetables
    Raj, Rajvir; Prokisch, József; DE--Mezőgazdaság- Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar
    This work was carried out to check and improve the freezing methods for fruits and vegetables. There were several experiments carried out to check how different types if ingredients present inside the fruits and vegetables affect the time and temperature while freezing them. Different types of fruits were taken and measured the time taken to freeze and de-freeze them. and defrizzing of salt and sugar was also tested PIG ( Proportional-Integral-Derivative) box was constructed which allowed us to set the desired temperature inside the box which is very helpful in the transportation of fruits and vegetables. g PID temperature controllers. These controllers ensure that the food is cooled and maintained at a specific temperature range, inhibiting microbiological and chemical activities that can damage the freezing process. and working of Arduino and air blast; tunnel freezer and cryogenic freezer, and water and steam blanching is also discussed