Comparison of crop production in Hungary and Tanzania: climate and land use effects on production trends of selected crops in a 50-year period (1968-2019)

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A comparison of selected crop production for Hungary and Tanzania is presented.  The roles of climate, land use and productivities of crops vary significantly in the two countries. Climate impacts the distribution of crops in Tanzania more than in Hungary as Tanzania’s climate is diverse with hot, humid, semi-arid areas, high rainfall lake regions, and temperate highlands. In contrast, the Hungarian climate is temperate and uniform across the country. Land use changes significantly in Tanzania than in Hungary. Tanzania indicates a reduction in forest land and expanding agricultural land associated mainly with the variation in crop productivities and population growth. To maintain sustainable crop production, increasing crop productivity is of paramount focus to meet the requirements of the growing population.

Climate, land-use, crop productivity, Hungary, Tanzania
Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, No. 1 (2022) , 141-149