Bioceramic sealers

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Bioceramic sealers are advanced materials used in dentistry for root canal treatments. These sealers are composed of bioactive ceramics that possess unique properties, making them highly suitable for endodontic applications. Unlike traditional sealers, bioceramic sealers are hydrophilic, allowing them to form a tight bond with the tooth structure and create a hermetic seal within the root canal system. Their bioactive nature promotes the formation of hydroxyapatite, aiding in the repair and regeneration of damaged tooth structures. Biocompatibility and antibacterial properties are other notable features of these sealers, reducing the risk of post-treatment infections. Overall, bioceramic sealers offer an innovative solution for effective root canal therapy while contributing to improved long-term outcomes and patient comfort.

Bioceramic, sealers, calcium hydroxide, AH plus, calcium silicate, MTA, Endosequence