Effect of fertilization on the potentially mineralize N forms of soil of long term field experiment was set in an acidic sandy soil

Nagy, Péter Tamás
Lazányi, János
Loch, Jakab
Kincses, Ida
Balláné Kovács, Andrea
Folyóirat címe
Folyóirat ISSN
Kötet címe (évfolyam száma)
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Enviromental Management of the Debrecen University, Debrecen.
The aim of this paper was to provide further information about the nitrogen mineralization processes of soil. A modified incubation technique was applied to establish the amount of easily soluble mineral and organic N forms during the incubation period. An acidic sandy soil was used for incubation, which was sampled from the „Westsik” long-term field experiment. The incubation was carried out on fifteen selected soil samples which were received different treatments since the experiment was set up. From the obtained results, the amount of potentially mineralizable N and the mineralization rate constant were determined. Results of chemical analysis and biological interpretation of results are discussed.
soil incubation, easily soluble N forms, potentially mineralizable N, long term field experiments