The Revisited of Non-Appropriation Principle to the Mars Colonization Plan: Consideration for de lege ferenda of Outer Space Regime

dc.contributor.advisorZaccaria, Márton Leó
dc.contributor.authorPutro, Yaries Mahardika
dc.contributor.departmentDE--Állam- és Jogtudományi Karhu_HU
dc.description.abstractSpace is a huge territory where man developed physically and intellectually. As a consequence, space today is part of our daily life. Historically, space only authorize by the States and only use to show the State’s power. In the recent time, space focused on the uses of commercial approach, which is known as space commercialization. Space commercialization involves the sale of resources, such as satellite communications, remote sensing, the launch of space objects, or even space tourism to ordinary citizens. State, international organizations and even private companies will carry out these activities. Several private companies, such as Space X and Mars One, have released their mission to the Mars Colonization Program. Beyond an ambitious target for space exploration, Mars colonization has become a well-known phenomenon today, fuelled by a potentially naive and somewhat unfounded assumption that the Red Planet could be terraformed to support human existence at some point in time. It will be a new challenge for all legal actors, especially in the sense of the outer space regime, to explore this concept. The Province of all mankind and the concept of non-appropriation are the two most basic concepts that the outer space system upholds and stresses. By using the dogmatic approach, this study addresses three important issues on Mars colonization: the possibility to the enforcement of appropriation in Mars, the scheme of appropriation process in Mars and the reformation of Corpus Juris Spatialis.hu_HU
dc.description.courseEuropean and International Business Lawhu_HU
dc.subjectSpace Commercializationhu_HU
dc.subjectMars Colonizationhu_HU
dc.subjectCorpus Juris Spatialishu_HU
dc.subjectCommon Heritage of Mankindhu_HU
dc.subject.dspaceDEENK Témalista::Jogtudományhu_HU
dc.titleThe Revisited of Non-Appropriation Principle to the Mars Colonization Plan: Consideration for de lege ferenda of Outer Space Regimehu_HU